July 30, 2005
The group, about to head out. Chelsea is out of the frame to the left. Then it’s Gretchen, Julie, Carl, Kristen, Hillary, Justin, Will and Rob. I think Dave is off to the right of the frame. As we were driving along, we got stopped at a bridge for a passing ship. Will jumped out, and took the following pics…
June 5, 2005
June 4, 2005
We didn’t get all of Rob’s stuff last time, so we made plans to meet up today and make another run. Turns out Rob had filled his van up, and so we met at the new studio space to unload. Afterwards, Justin and I hopped in to go back over to the old space and load up another run. Check…
June 1, 2005
After moving a bunch of stuff out to Rob’s car, we decide to go up another floor and climb our way up to the roof. Let me pause for a moment here, to mention to you that I have a serious, serious problem with heights. There are time where, just riding an elevator… I get freaked out by the thought…