Posts Tagged "rube goldberg"

Sprice Machines: Ice Cream Server

I want to argue that Cog (which came out in 2003) was one of the first “viral” Rube Goldberg machines to make the rounds on the Internet. Which was no small feat back then, since it would be another 3 years until YouTube came to be.


Passing the Pepper

There are some ingenoius portions of the machine. But the barbell segment 3/4 of the way through really caught me by complete surprise! So incredibly well done…


Bach in the Woods

I don’t care that this is a commercial. Seeing this brought me no small amount of joy, and reminded me of the early Internet from maybe a decade ago. Just a lovely, lovely thing.


Isaac Newton vs. Rube Goldberg

What must it be like, I wonder, to make these types of machines for a living? Seems like it would be tedious and exhilarating, in equal measure. Although, now that I write that out – maybe make it 97% tedious, and 3% exhilarating.

After watching the video the first time, I thought I had the whole thing figured out. But now I’m not so sure. There are some shenanigans that are happening around the 0:17 mark.


Photography-Based, Multi-Room Rube Goldberg

This is a commercial for a company called 2D Photography, and though it features a few of blatant (annoying) sponsor plugs throughout… it’s still very cool and worth watching. The Internet has given us any number of amazing Rube Goldberg videoclips, but this one is impressive for its length and the sheer number of items/things used from start to finish….


Large Musical Device in Forest: Rube Goldberg (Sorta)

Depsite the fact that this is a commercial for some kind of cellphone or cellphone case… it’s still a cool thing to watch. Reading over some of the BB comments, I’d like to stick in the camp that hopes this was entirely for real, and not a product of fancy CGI. I think this is a lovely bit of music…


This Too Shall Pass: OK Go’s Rube Goldberg Machine

Via BoingBoing, this is a pretty impressive Rube Goldberg Machine, built by the band OK Go for their music video This Too Shall Pass. I’m a big fan of these types of machines (and even got a great book from Justin about Rube Goldberg’s life and art, over the holidays). In an earlier apartment, I went so far as to…


Extreme Rube Goldberg

Alright. When you get to the end of it, you can yell at me for passing this along. But I still think this is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long while. // Edit: This post was created in a time before YouTube. Decided to come back and update this post with an embed of the actual…