Posts Tagged "running"

Morning Run Photos

A block or two away, I passed by this lovely vehicle just parked along the street. It felt like a good moment for a photo, and I dug the car enough to stop running and slow down to just capture the moment.


Resuming Running

I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from running. Call it maybe 3-4 weeks or so. But over the weekend and today, I suited up and got out again. And it actually felt pretty good.


Unexpected 5K

When we arrived at the Greenway Trail today, our normal parking area was blocked off. Turns out, there was a 5K race happening along the trail!


The Weepies: Gotta Have You

On my previous attempts at running, I took it on as a kind of adversarial task. I was trying to grind out the run, I was trying to endure the act of running.

My prior attempts/experiences with running were basically: run and keep running, for as long as you can. Try to ignore any pain or discomfort, and just push through it to keep running. My soundtrack reflected this.


Running Retrospective

It’s been a good clip now, where I’ve been trying to keep pace with Liz on her running regimen. She’s going out several times a week, and it’s inspired me to also try to do the same – to also suit up when she does, and to hit the ground when she does.

Our training and routes and vastly different, and grow more distinct with each week. She’s going for longer distances and time, while I’m still struggling with the introductory phase of things.


A Month of Running

So I started running again. I picked up running late last year, and was good about going out three times a week for a few weeks. But then it drifted away, and I lost it once the weather turned. With Liz ramping up her running routine, I’ve been trying to go out with her. I’m not keeping the same pace…


Camp Creek Greenway Trail

There are a lot of hills near us, which makes the prospect of running… challenging. I’ll be honest, the very notion of running is a challenge to me, and throwing steep hills into the mix is a rough addition.

Luckily, we’ve found a few spots nearby that are a bit more level. It requires some driving (and some small bit of planning), but definitely a better choice than hills.



A pretty big fallen limb, which would have been a sight to behold as it fell.

I thought there might have been some stronger winds that day… but I didn’t notice anything (I was inside, on a computer all day). But apparently… we got some weather.


Running in Winter

I’ve been impressed at her dedication. She’s expressed concerns about her distance and time, but I’m in awe of her discipline. She suits up and heads out, and that to me is a big part of the battle.


First Run of 2013

This morning, Liz and I headed out into the early AM and ran around the boulevard. It was our first official run of 2013, and it was a rough re-introduction after many months away.