Posts Tagged "running"

Cold Run, Snow Men

And in a remarkable Goofus and Gallant moment, we spotted this guy nearby. Sculpted, formed, almost an art installation.

You can almost hear him asking: “Why am I here? Why am I out here in the cold?”

You said it, buddy. You said it.


Christmas in Indy, Day 4: Running Along the Monon Trail, Playing Wavelength, Learning How to Cheat, Christmas Eve Toast

Closer to midnight. We opted to stay in, instead of going out to midnight service at St. John’s. I miss the ritual and tradition of it (and the singing), but welcomed time with my family… just hanging out.

My parents had brought over some champagne a day or two ago, which may have been for mimosas. But we ended up opening the bottle tonight. My dad wanted a toast, and wanted a family photo… so with a slight bit of balancing on the fireplace mantle, he got his Christmas wish.


Forest Path, 5 Mile Run

It’s the weekend! And while Liz has a ton of work work to still do, we headed out to take advantage of the Saturday. Because a weekend day means we can put in time for a long run (without having to wake up crazy early).


Marine Corps Marathon 2024, Day 5: Race Day, Dinner at The Dubliner

A long day, but faster than it seemed. Despite us being in DC for a few days, it felt like we didn’t have enough time to visit with Kirt, Tricia, Paige, and Lisa/James. It felt like a blur to me, but it was probably doubly so for Liz.

All in all, I’m quite awed by what Liz has done. I know Tricia and Paige also completed the marathon, but for Liz… this was her first. And something she’s been working and training for, for almost a year. I’ve seen the work and struggle up close, and trust me when I say to you: it’s a LOT.


8 Miles

The funny thing: Liz is decreasing her distances, as part of her training regimen. So today for her was “just” eight miles. And for me, it’s a longer distance than I’ve ever run (10K has been my max, and that’s around 6.2 miles).


Running Sounds

While I’m out running, I think it’s safer to be able to hear your surroundings (cars, other people nearby like runners or bicyclists). I do tend to like an immersive set of headphones, but found that while running… being able to hear around me feels more comfortable.


5K and Nichols Park

On closer inspection, it looks like they paved over the existing concrete paths with asphalt. Seemed a difficult job to keep people off of this path, but looking forward to checking it out when the barriers are gone (and running along the paths).


Double Run

A bit further in the run, pausing along the path that runs alongside Lake Shore Drive. A lovely view of the lake, with the light starting to settle into dusk.


Running Alongside the Half Marathon

For the second half, I ended up running by the Obama Library on my way to Promontory Point. As I entered Jackson Park, I started to see this slow and steady stream of people.

They were all runners, and were all walking. Most of them had these huge medals, hanging around their necks. It slowly dawned on me that I was entering the end of a race, and going the opposite direction of everyone else.