Posts Tagged "say my name"

Ordering In Person: Less Efficiency, More Hilarity

So here’s an interesting thing: with the majority of my food ordering done online, or through an app, the chances of someone misspelling my name has dropped dramatically.

Recently though, when I’ve been driving to work… I’ve stopped at a Starbucks along the way. I haven’t quite gotten to adding the location to my app… and don’t have the timing down just yet. So I’ve been going in and ordering my breakfast in person, like a schnook.


Jimmy John’s, Round 2

Found another example of my name misspelled, from over the weekend. The funny thing is that for very long while now, I’ve been ordering JJ’s exclusively via their mobile app. And for each sandwich that I have saved, I have the name of the person added as well.


Phile This Under Philex

I love how there are so many different ways to hear my name. I’ve taken greater pains to ensure I’m pronouncing my name clearly, but… still room for interpretation.


By Any Other Name

Hard to know if this variation is closer to my actual name or not. Despite the squiggles at the beginning and end, I think this was written out in one motion – so they heard my name as “Flexis.” Which technically has all the proper letters of my name, just slightly out of order. And with an extra “S” thrown in for free.


My Name is Phyllis

It’s funny – a friend mentioned that I see to have regular trouble with my name like this, but also that I seem to be the one constant in every single scenario. So it’s very likely my own pronunciation or diction causing this.


Swing and a Miss…

I don’t have as many reflections on accuracy and understanding as the last time. I just found this version kind if silly and funny. I didn’t notice it until hours later, but it seems that whoever wrote my name down tried to dot the “h.” Hysterical.