Posts Tagged "sick"

Shot and a Chaser

In some ways, I feel like I’m taking DayQuil to recover from the lingering, sedative effects of the NyQuil I took the evening prior. As I’m going through this motion, it totally feels like a scam.

I’d complain to Vicks about this, but I’m a little too tired to do much about it at the moment. Maybe when I’m feeling a bit better.


The Coughing Starts

Me, the cough is sporadic. I don’t have as much “stuck” that I’m trying to get out, but the few times I do try to cough… it’s deep and actually painful to cough. Mostly, I’m blowing my nose a lot, with less frequent coughing fits.

When the two of us have a coughing fit at the same time together, in the same room… I wonder what our neighbors must think. It must sound like something terrible, from the outside.


Sick Days

Once more, I worked from home again today. My cough got really bad last night, to the point where I was feeling uncomfortable and just counting the hours until I could take some NyQuil and go to sleep


A Fast Stomach Ache

Around 7:00 PM, as I was talking to Liz, my stomach started to hurt. And then it started to hurt a little more. And then it just kept on going. I never got to the point of serious nausea, it was just a moderate amount of discomfort. But it was enough to where I couldn’t eat dinner. And ended up…


Half Days

While I did get some rest over the weekend, it was also a fairly busy time. In addition to working Saturday, I did a lot of errands as well. Sunday night, when I put my head on my pillow… it prompted a great deal of coughing. I didn’t get a great night’s sleep.


A Bad Case of the Hot Mouths

Fast forward to today, and I woke up with a sore throat. And unlike prior days, it just stayed around. At work, right around 10 AM, my nose began running like a faucet. So much so that I had to get up and go to the bathroom a few times. So much so that I began to seriously worry about becoming dehydrated.


A Lingering Cough

I got sick a few days ago, and this thing has stayed around. Usually, I’m only sick for a brief while… but whatever I have has settled into a cough tha just doesn’t want to go away.


A Not Quick Sick Day, Part 2

I could feel myself getting less useful, the longer I sat. And though there’s a part of me that feels like I should still be working, I knew I couldn’t work another full day. So I climbed in bed, put on a movie, and napped off and on.


A Not Quite Sick Day

Stayed home today because I started to get sick at work yesterday… and it just got progressively worse and worse. My goal was to attend a few meetings in the morning remotely, then take a sick day.


A Deep and Persistent Ache

There’s a particular strand of muscles, located somewhere near/beneath my right pectoral. I don’t even know how to describe it, as it feels like it’s buried inside my chest. But every time I cough or sneeze, that thing lights up like a Christmas tree.


Sick Day and Evening

The day started off with a stuffy nose, which possibly could have been due to allergies. By mid-afternoon, I was sniffling non-stop, and was pretty convinced I had caught the bug that’s been going around.


The DayQuils and NyQuils Tend to Blur Together

One disturbing thing is that I haven’t been able to taste much of anything, the last few days. I know it’s related to whatever is going on with this cold (sinus infection?), but if it doesn’t improve over the weekend… I guess I need to go see someone officially about that.