February 16, 2024
In some ways, I feel like I’m taking DayQuil to recover from the lingering, sedative effects of the NyQuil I took the evening prior. As I’m going through this motion, it totally feels like a scam.
I’d complain to Vicks about this, but I’m a little too tired to do much about it at the moment. Maybe when I’m feeling a bit better.
February 13, 2024
Me, the cough is sporadic. I don’t have as much “stuck” that I’m trying to get out, but the few times I do try to cough… it’s deep and actually painful to cough. Mostly, I’m blowing my nose a lot, with less frequent coughing fits.
When the two of us have a coughing fit at the same time together, in the same room… I wonder what our neighbors must think. It must sound like something terrible, from the outside.
December 12, 2019
Once more, I worked from home again today. My cough got really bad last night, to the point where I was feeling uncomfortable and just counting the hours until I could take some NyQuil and go to sleep
June 3, 2019
Around 7:00 PM, as I was talking to Liz, my stomach started to hurt. And then it started to hurt a little more. And then it just kept on going. I never got to the point of serious nausea, it was just a moderate amount of discomfort. But it was enough to where I couldn’t eat dinner. And ended up…
March 26, 2019
While I did get some rest over the weekend, it was also a fairly busy time. In addition to working Saturday, I did a lot of errands as well. Sunday night, when I put my head on my pillow… it prompted a great deal of coughing. I didn’t get a great night’s sleep.
March 21, 2019
Fast forward to today, and I woke up with a sore throat. And unlike prior days, it just stayed around. At work, right around 10 AM, my nose began running like a faucet. So much so that I had to get up and go to the bathroom a few times. So much so that I began to seriously worry about becoming dehydrated.
January 16, 2019
The speed and severity of… whatever this was, was pretty impressive. I am still trying to shake off the cough and congestion from last week, and tonight just added insult to injury. This was another one of those “I think my body is breaking down” moments.
January 11, 2019
I got sick a few days ago, and this thing has stayed around. Usually, I’m only sick for a brief while… but whatever I have has settled into a cough tha just doesn’t want to go away.
November 14, 2018
I could feel myself getting less useful, the longer I sat. And though there’s a part of me that feels like I should still be working, I knew I couldn’t work another full day. So I climbed in bed, put on a movie, and napped off and on.
November 13, 2018
Stayed home today because I started to get sick at work yesterday… and it just got progressively worse and worse. My goal was to attend a few meetings in the morning remotely, then take a sick day.
March 6, 2018
There’s a particular strand of muscles, located somewhere near/beneath my right pectoral. I don’t even know how to describe it, as it feels like it’s buried inside my chest. But every time I cough or sneeze, that thing lights up like a Christmas tree.
January 9, 2018
After a brief debate between Sudafed and DayQuil, I opted for the Sudafed. With a coffee chaser.
September 7, 2017
The day started off with a stuffy nose, which possibly could have been due to allergies. By mid-afternoon, I was sniffling non-stop, and was pretty convinced I had caught the bug that’s been going around.
August 31, 2014
I’ve been doing the NyQuil/DayQuil seesaw routine now for over 24 hours. It’s just barely enough to knock me out for the night, and has kept me somewhat comfortable during the day.
June 5, 2014
One disturbing thing is that I haven’t been able to taste much of anything, the last few days. I know it’s related to whatever is going on with this cold (sinus infection?), but if it doesn’t improve over the weekend… I guess I need to go see someone officially about that.