June 3, 2014
Yesterday, I took the day off of work figuring I could rest up. As it turns out, I got worse as the day continued. Liz told me this is the same arc she experienced, a few days being in the “slightly sick” stage, and then a surprising downward turn. Despite me riding a constant see-saw of NyQuil and DayQuil, yesterday evening had me feeling more out of sorts than I’d been the last few days.
April 3, 2013
In the evenings are usually the worst, when I’m on my back. The coughing gets much more pronounced, and when we go to bed… lately I’ve been coughing so much, I’ve been shaking the bed. Which results in Liz not getting a good night’s sleep, either.
December 28, 2012
During the days, Liz and I have gotten in the habit of taking naps. We both get an ok amount of sleep at night, but I’ve been going back to bed around noon for a few hours. Yesterday was pretty funny, as Liz and I were almost rotating shifts in bed – I got up around 5PM, and she then went and took a nap until around 7PM or so.
December 26, 2012
I ended up calling in sick to work today. Around 11:00 AM, Liz and I rolled out of bed and made our way to the grocery store. We got a few supplies.