Posts Tagged "sleep apnea"

Sleep Study, the Next Morning

It was nice being in the city so early. Even though it was a solid three hours earlier than I’m usually around downtown, the city was still full of joggers and pedestrians, mothers with baby strollers, people clutching large cups of coffee.


Sleep Study, Northwestern Sleep Disorder Center, 2017

The CPAP machine forces air in through the nose, but your natural reaction is to just breathe through your mouth like normal. But the only thing is, with the CPAP machine going… air looks for the path of least resistance. So the air pushed through your nose rushes out of your mouth, if you open your mouth.


Sleeping My Day Away

My allergies have gotten pretty severe the last two days, so perhaps this is another culprit. It’s possible I’ve got some kind of cold as well, given how stuffed up I’ve been. I’ve been taking Zyrtec and it’s been keeping all my allergies at bay, save for these last two days… which makes me wonder if I haven’t gotten a bit of whatever’s been floating around the office.


Trying Out New CPAP Masks (For My Sleep Apnea)

Last week, I trekked out to the suburbs to visit the place that supplied me with my CPAP machine – a device that provides continuous pressure/air while I sleep, via a mask. This is something I use for my sleep apnea, a condition where my body “wakes up” due to low oxygen levels.


CPAP Machine and Mask (aka “The Vader Trainer”)

This morning, I got supplied with a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea. I got a brief runthrough of how the guy works, and… hopefully, it’ll help me sleep better at night. The part of the left is a humidifier (I’m supposed to add in a tray of distilled water); through this machine, air will be forced through the hose…


Sleep Study, Northwestern

Tonight, I showed up for my Sleep Study with Northwestern. Oddly, they scheduled me to appear at the nearby Raddison hotel. Turns out, they have an entire floor of the hotel dedicated to sleep studies (multiple rooms, no less). Crazy. In the waiting area, I met a few other folks who were also slated to do sleep studies. Because the…