Posts Tagged "smws"

Scotch Malt Whisky Society, January 2025 Outturn

Fun bit of trivia: Mark is from Indianapolis, and his wife lived near where I grew up. He went to North Central High School, and was just ahead of me (he was a Senior in 1988, and I probably just showed up as a Freshman that year). He recognized Greenbriar, near 86th and Ditch, and there was a sparkle of recognition when I mentioned my parents’ old restaurant (the Golden Dragon). Small, small world.


Franklin Room: Scotch Malt Whisky Society, March 2024 Outturn

Fun evening – we got to sit next to Michael, one of the regulars. And if memory serves, Michael (along with the event host Elhan) was among the first founders of the Chicago chapter of Drammers.

It was really fun for me to sit back, and to listen to Liz and Michael go back and forth. I tend to be intimidated in these settings, as my palate and experience seem limited compared to others – and I’m always awed to watch Liz, who is very much in her element.


Dinner and Scotch with Katie and Tim: SMWS Febrauary 2024 Outturn

The tasting was a lot of fun, and I daresay the mini tastes we had afterwards were just as enjoyable. I continue to be awed at the generosity of the folks at these gatherings (Lauren, Steve, and Max in particular).

I’m glad Katie and Tim got to experience a society tasting. And doubly glad they got to see a bit of what happens, at the afterparty of sorts. Lots of really fun conversations, knowledgeable people, and an overall good time.


Franklin Room: Scotch Malt Whisky Society, November 2023 Outturn

Recently, we’ve had the good fortune to taste several very incredible bottles that folks brought to share. And prior to tonight, Liz and I were debating on bringing something of our own to share.

After having sampled so many generous drams from others, we were wanting to offer something to the “group” at large. We ended up bringing one of the bottles we got from our visit to
Bunnahabhain, when we travelled to Islay back in 2021.


Franklin Room: Scotch Malt Whisky Society, September 2023 Outturn

I was listening to Liz opine about her thoughts on various drams. Everyone had their opinions, but as part of her guesses Liz would mention things like Sauternes casks.

As I watched and listened, it dawned on me that Liz really likes whisky and I just like to drink. I think my palette is getting better, but she’s really done a lot more research, paid a lot more attention to things. Watching her go back and forth with Michael and Max, she’s on a whole other level than where I am.


Private Tasting

This is going to actually be a fairly busy week for us (socially, as well as whisky-wise). Think of this as a little bit of a pre-game night, before some big events.