Posts Tagged "snow"

The Snow That Never Was

Liz and I went out to stock up on supplies, figuring we’ll be hit with some 6″+ of snow. The interesting thing: as much as the reports vary, everything points to us being in the 40’s the next day. So whatever snow accumulation we might get wouldn’t last long.


Snow Day

Woke up this morning with a good amount on the ground. I’d heard there was going to be a lot of snow over two days (and possibly some colder temps, turning things to ice). All this got me out the door around 7:30 AM to get a jump start on clearing the driveway and sidewalk.


The Store Before the Storm

Near the end of the work day, I decided to go out and grab some supplies. With a lot of snow in the forecast, I figured food delivery and grocery deliveries would be difficult/delayed, and we needed supplies at hand just in case.


Ladder and Ice Removal

I hauled up a hammer, and a small shovel, to get rid of the snow. I worked pretty slowly, afraid that my motions would end up tilting me or pulling me off the ladder. I’ve had a not great track history with keeping my balance on ladders, and so doing all this two stories up was… daunting.


Cleaning, Outside and In

One thought I had, while working outside clearing snow: there are a few ways to look at the world. Through an adult’s eyes, the snow is a chore, a task that blocks the ability to do other things. Through a child’s eyes, the snow is a wonder, a marvel of nature, the elements rearranged in a way we infrequently see.

Even as I was feeling tired and sore, I tried to look at the snow with a sense of wonderment. Because it really was a fantastic sight to behold.


A Big Snow Day in Chicago

A little after 8AM, I decided to venture out to clear some snow. Liz and I were both working from home today, which – I just have to say is really awesome. That we are both able to do our jobs remotely is a serious luxury. And it was nice to be able to stay inside, on a day like today.


Gathering Food, Gathering Storm

With news of the upcoming storm (Chicago is expected to get from 7″ – 10″ of snow, and up to 14″ in some areas), Liz and I decided it would be a good idea to stock up on some food before the weekend. It was a thought that, apparently, everyone else in the neighborhood had as well. On arriving at…


Snowfall, Leaffall

The snow that was falling wasn’t quite hail, but ticked on the roof and windshield of the car. So I knew each bit carried a bit of weight.


Suddenly, Snow

On our walk to the train, Liz and I barely saw anyone else. There were a few, significant whiteout moments due to all the lake effect snow we were getting. For a few minutes there, it felt like we were the only two crazy people in our neighborhood, braving the weather to go in to work.


The Slow Melt

This bit of snow along our handrail has been leaning over more the past day or two. Each time I walk by, I’m careful not to disturb it – I genuinely want to see how far it will bend, before it totally crumbles under its own arc/weight.