July 6, 2016
Up until this point in time, it was another normal Wednesday at work, with me doing normal Wednesday things. Seeing this shook me out of my routine, and it was an absolute breath of fresh air. My only regret is that I couldn’t follow them, to see where they (and all their art) ultimately ended up.
May 9, 2016
At this point, I heard a voice yell out to me “You can walk on it.”
March 2, 2015
Originally, I thought these statements were all from the same person or voice. That they were part of a single narrative. But on re-reading things now, it seems that whoever created this talked to a lot of different people. Possibly asking the questions “Where are you going? Where are you coming from?”
September 28, 2013
Spotted this guy just outside the LaSalle Blue Line stop, just around the corner from the Metra. I love that someone, in a fit of pareidolia, decided that they would transform these fire department outlets into a quirky alien robot face.
May 9, 2013
It’s funny how I’ve walked past this stretch of Logan Boulevard countless times, but just noticed this out of the corner of my eye recently. As weathered as this looks, it seems like it’s been here a good while. I wonder how long he’s been hiding, and I also wonder how many of my neighbors even know he’s there.
April 12, 2013
I’ve been getting out of the habit of carrying my camera around, and the past few days… I’m trying to remember to bring it to work with me. Spotted this at the end of the day on Friday, and it caught my eye (though I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be someone I should recognize).
February 1, 2013
I was a bit surprised, given the thing’s size and placement. I’m used to seeing stickers and things on most flat surfaces downtown, but finding something attached to a stoplight was new. And my immediate reaction on seeing this was to look around, figuring I was being watched by a few security cameras.
November 17, 2012
Spotted this while walking along Logan Boulevard and it kind of reminded me of a sticker I spotted downtown, nearly 10 years ago.
October 24, 2012
I was actually heading over to catch a bus, on my way to Wicker Park to check out Mr. Imagine’s Toy Store when I spotted this guy. Got my camera out in time to do a quick photo, and had to run back to catch the bus before it left.
September 28, 2012
A few days ago, while walking to work, I noticed that Bored updated their Logan Boulevard Monopoly Property, and added two houses.
August 30, 2012
I love that the interviewer decided to use this avenue of communication to try to contact the artist/group. I guess he could also have tried to pick up the phone.
August 5, 2012
Spotted this near Dunlays and (what used to be the location for) Barbara & Barbara. Liz and I must have missed this on our way to Lula Cafe for breakfast, but spotted it as we were walking back home.
July 20, 2012
I honestly have no idea what this is. Maybe it’s an ad for something, but my first reaction was that it was a kind of pictogram puzzle. My brain keeps wanting to apply some kind of narrative or logic to this image, but all I’ve come up with so far is “steam haircut.”
July 14, 2012
For those not familiar with the term, yarn bombing is a kind of street art, and involves covering public objects with custom knitted/crocheted fabrics. One of the better known examples of yarn bombing is by NY artist Olek, who covered the bull on Wall Street with yarn.
July 12, 2012
Spotted this on the way home – an awesome Monopoly property replica, painted right onto the sidewalk. I love that it’s my neighborhood, that it’s in my neighborhood… and that my neighborhood’s got no price tag.