Posts Tagged "street art"

Suddenly, Art

Up until this point in time, it was another normal Wednesday at work, with me doing normal Wednesday things. Seeing this shook me out of my routine, and it was an absolute breath of fresh air. My only regret is that I couldn’t follow them, to see where they (and all their art) ultimately ended up.


Hidden Popsicle Ghost, Logan Square

It’s funny how I’ve walked past this stretch of Logan Boulevard countless times, but just noticed this out of the corner of my eye recently. As weathered as this looks, it seems like it’s been here a good while. I wonder how long he’s been hiding, and I also wonder how many of my neighbors even know he’s there.


Devil in the City

I’ve been getting out of the habit of carrying my camera around, and the past few days… I’m trying to remember to bring it to work with me. Spotted this at the end of the day on Friday, and it caught my eye (though I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be someone I should recognize).


I See You, CCTV

I was a bit surprised, given the thing’s size and placement. I’m used to seeing stickers and things on most flat surfaces downtown, but finding something attached to a stoplight was new. And my immediate reaction on seeing this was to look around, figuring I was being watched by a few security cameras.


Mysterious Sidewalk Stencil, Logan Square

I honestly have no idea what this is. Maybe it’s an ad for something, but my first reaction was that it was a kind of pictogram puzzle. My brain keeps wanting to apply some kind of narrative or logic to this image, but all I’ve come up with so far is “steam haircut.”