Terra Sacra Time Lapses

Captured by photographer Sean White, Terra Sacra Time Lapses spans over 24 countries and six years. It’s a pretty breathtaking bit of video, and really makes you feel like travelling the world more than you have.
Captured by photographer Sean White, Terra Sacra Time Lapses spans over 24 countries and six years. It’s a pretty breathtaking bit of video, and really makes you feel like travelling the world more than you have.
For as indifferent as I am towards the tilt-shift technique, this video is absolutely gorgeous to watch. VERY much recommend you do this full-screen to get the full effect.
With all the unusually warm weather we’ve had lately in Chicago, it apparently caused a crazy amount of fog. Check out this incredibly cool time-lapse video, captured from the top of the Hancock by Craig Shimala.
Using something as innocuous as tape, Mark Jenkins is able to incredibly lifelike figures. His public installation pieces are whimsical, funny, and even a little unsettling.
Max Zorn does some amazing things with some ordinary tools. He’s able to make incredibly textured and detailed images using just plexi-glass, tape and a plain razor. He then places these works high above the street, using street lamps as both a canvas and a source of illumination.
This is a time-lapse video of construction for the 2010 Much Music Video Awards. Spanning over two weeks, the footage covers both the setup and breakdown (and if you look really closely, you’ll see Katy Perry, Ke$sha, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus near the end). Shot by Sam Javanrouh , who is also the guy behind Daily Dose of Imagery….
This is an absolutely gorgeous time-lapse of the Aurora Borealis, shot within Pas National Park, near Russia. [via MetaFilter]
This is a great time-lapse video of several pieces by artist Holton Rower. Even better, the video is synced up perfectly to the audio (a Kronos Quartet song). I can’t explain it, but I feel incredibly relaxed after seeing this. I get this feeling that there’s a lot of beautiful things happening all around us, if we would only slow…
This is a jaw-dropping, ridiculous amount of snow! I really need to get one of these little remote timers and try my hand at timelapse, one of these days. I love this sort of stuff so much! [via BoingBoing] Related:Time-Lapse, 599 ProductionsEclectic 2.0: Landscape Time-Lapse VideoSnow Day in Yorkville: Mike’s Time-lapse VideoChina’s 60th Anniversary National Day – Timelapse and Slow…
This is a great tilt-shift, time-lapse video from Daily Dose of Imagery. I’ve been a fan of Sam Javanrouh for a while now, and his daily photo blog is one you should consider adding to your feeds. I’m generally not all that wild about the tilt-shift effect, myself. But there’s something about adding the time-lapse element, that gives a very…
inter // states is a great time-lapse video of Tokyo by Samuel Cockedey. If your computer can handle it, I highly recommend going to Vimeo’s site to view this in HD, full screen. While the main visuals are usually cars or trains speeding by in a blur of light, I found myself drawn to some of the smaller details: lights…
Several weeks back, in early February, we got hit with some substantial snowfall. During that time, we had a half-day at work due to the strong weather. Many of the folks on our Affiliate team (living farther out in the suburbs) were told to work from home the day prior. Today, Mike passed along this link to a great time-lapse…