November 20, 2012
A few days ago, Liz and I were sitting in the living room watching Netflix. We had just seen the Dumb Ways to Die video earlier in the day, but still had the song stuck in our head. So we fired up YouTube on the PS3 to watch it… and this is what I happened to see:
November 3, 2012
We were both fans of Dulé Hill, when he was on The West Wing, and it’s been great to see him in a role so different from the one he played before.
September 12, 2012
This is funny in its awkwardness, and pretty uncomfortable to watch. In a strange way, it’s the exact opposite of CNN Concatenated.
August 31, 2012
Even if you’re not a fan of Breaking Bad, I think you’ll enjoy this great remix video by Chris Lohr. I’ve seen mention that there are some spoilers (from Seasons 1/2), but I don’t think there’s that much here.
July 22, 2012
I found out from a post by Rachelle that the West Wing is officially on Amazon Instant Video!
This means that anyone who’s subscribed to Amazon Prime can watch all seven seasons, free! And… I’m also saying that if you haven’t seen it… you should totally watch the show.
April 5, 2012
I forget when, exactly, Amazon appeared on the scene with its Instant Video option. For those who have a Amazon Prime membership (an annual fee that provides free 2-day shipping on select items, and a reduced 1-day shipping price), the whole Instant Video thing is kind of thrown in as a bonus. If you have Amazon Prime, you have access to the instant videos.
January 12, 2012
Turns out, my TV might accidentally burst into flames. Did not see that one coming.
I looked over the warning letter, and re-checked to see if my TV matched the identified models (it did). It’s a little disturbing to think that this was potentially an issue, and has been a potential problem in my apartment for the last 4+ years.
September 13, 2011
I have just recently gotten into the show Breaking Bad, and I’m officially past that point where “I watch it occasionally” to “I am fully addicted.” Poor choice of words perhaps, but there it is.
August 22, 2011
Bert Kreischer is a funny guy. He’s a stand-up comedian, but also has a pretty interesting past. I learned of him over the weekend while browsing around my Netflix Streaming options… and came across his show: Bert the Conqueror. The premise is pretty straight-forward. Bert travels around the country, hitting up amusement parks and pretty much any venue where there’s…
April 24, 2011
This is me, sitting WAY too close to my TV so that I can play video games. Recently, Liz has been working a ton in her off-hours, prepping for a big presentation she has at work next week. She’s been doing six-day work weeks for about two weeks now… and today, she was sitting at the dining room table going…
February 11, 2011
Recently, I discovered an Animal Planet series on Netflix called River Monsters. And I have to say… I love it. The best way to describe this show is: Nature Porn. It’s what you would get if you tried to make a NATURE documentary into an episode of COPS. It’s over the top at times, but that’s part of the charm….
July 9, 2010
This is the intro to Firefly, but made better by making it into an 1980’s intro sequence. More freeze frames? More guitar solos? More awesome. The original TV series was created by Joss Whedon and cancelled after only one (all too short) season. I’m a big fan of the show, and this just tickles the nerd in me (I almost…
June 15, 2010
Over the weekend, I happened to be watching PBS and caught a pretty amazing documentary about Walking with Dinosaurs, a BBC series that first aired about 10 years ago. The six-part documentary used a lot of computer generated graphics, combined with animatronics. The series was intended to be like the movie Jurassic Park, but presented as a nature documentary… and…
January 21, 2010
I haven’t been keeping up a lot with all the back and forth on the late night talk shows, but I’ve lost a significant portion of this morning watching clips from Conan’s show last night. I meant to post up some photos I took recently, along with a link to an article… but truth be told, I’ve spent the last…