Posts Tagged "uncle kenny"

Garage Clearing in Valpo, Part 2

Julie ended up taking the wheel while Dan was pushing and I was at the back of the truck. For a little while, I was trying to jump up/down on the truck, to see if that would help get it to catch the plywood. But we ended up rocking it enough to where Julie was able to get the truck up a small hill and back on solid ground again.


Caribbean Cruise, Day 4: Curaçao

Due to the weather throughout the night (it was a rough one), we were pretty delayed on our way to today’s destination: Curaçao. While we were planning on arriving sometime in the late morning, we didn’t pull into port until around 4:30 PM. Kind of a bummer, since we were hoping to have a full day ashore, but wound up only having a small handful of hours to look around.


Caribbean Cruise, Day 2: Princess Cays

Starting at around 9:00 AM, the cruise began shuttling people from the boat to shore in what are called “tender” boats. Each person on the cruise is issued an ID card, which is typically used at meals or to buy things, but they’re also used to track passengers – we each had to get “scanned” on departing and re-entering the ship.

I was a bit nervous about getting seasick on the ride over, and a few times the tender boat made some pretty serious dips in the water. But I focused mostly on the horizon, and arrived on land without being too much worse for the wear.