Posts Tagged "utopia"

Allison, Chris, and the Long Forgotten T-Shirt Prank

The idea came up for multiple people to all get similar full-size t-shirts… and incredibly, people started to order them independently (from The Mountain and Fab). Meagan had the excellent idea that everyone would hang out at a bar together somewhere (karaoke, maybe), and each shirt would slowl be revealed through a series of photos posted onto Flickr or Facebook. With Chris humongo Allison-faced shirt being the last image in the set.


Viva la Vuvuzela!

Last Friday, Sean brought in an honest to goodness vuvuzela in to work. I had always thought this was pronounced vuh-VOO-zoo-lah, but it’s apparently voo-voo-ZAY-lah. Fans of the World Cup are no doubt familiar with this little noisemaker. Utopia, Justin S and Ben L. checking out the instrument. This was brought to Sean by his brother, back in February –…