Patterns+Pleasure Festival: Tom Johnson & Gandini Juggling

Found this video of the Gandhini Juggling company, via an amazing post on MetaFilter.
Found this video of the Gandhini Juggling company, via an amazing post on MetaFilter.
Has it really been twelve years since Line Rider debuted? Oh wow, and the original version was on Deviant Art? I feel pretty good about having a post from 2006 talking about it, but that fact also makes me feel impossibly old.
It’s rare that I make impulse purchases, but something about the video made me want to try a little Madness. A week or two after I watched this video, it arrived at my door.
It’s incredible to watch Saffitz’s dedication to this process – and how many (failed) attempts it takes, with countless variations and tests and “hey, taste this” requests. While I don’t see myself wanting to make a gourmet candy anytime soon, it’s a pleasure to watch really talented people do their thing.
Ever since I was in graduate school for writing, I wondered about the lives of sculptors. I liked the idea of working in a medium so heavy and so permanent. I would think most writers have the same longing: to create something that will outlast their brief lives.
During dinner tonight, Daisy was on the top floor of the bunny cottage. I took this chance to feed her a little mint, figuring I could get a good close-up video of her eating.
Arena is a project by Páraic McGloughlin, using Google Maps to create a short and incredibly mesmerizing film. Beyond how long it must have taken to edit this, the amount of time it must have taken to find all the “proper” images must have been something.
The Royal Game of Ur is a board game that’s at least four and a half thousand years old, and was played in the Middle East by the Sumerians. The rules itself are fairly straightforward, and the gameplay results in some surprisingly exciting scenarios.
It’s a really long movie, clocking in at an hour and a half. I jumped around a lot, and the more I saw… the more I remembered. The talking dog, the evil witch/mother, the princess, the princess-looking mouse, the other mouse who was old and had a sword.
I’m excited to share video from that event, where I had the good fortune to kick off the show. While I’ve done a lot of these short talks before – I decided to mix it up a little more this time. My answer to the question “How Does It Work” involved me singing. Well, a few “me’s” singing. It’s a little hard to explain.
I hope you like these videos, and end up subscribing. It’s hard to fathom how much time these videos must take (both the building/recording time, as well as the editing time).
For those of you familiar with Yakko’s World, this is a variation on the original… with all the countries spoken through dialog found in movies.
Thomas Dambo is an artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and works primarily with recycled materials. His “Forgotten Giants” series consists of six, large-scale sculptures that are hidden in the woods.
When the site loaded up, I looked at it and thought “Wait, this isn’t right.” This is… someone else’s wedding? A whole host of thoughts ran through my mind. Did my domain expire? Did someone take over my site, replacing my images with theirs? Where did all our wedding photos go?
Ten Meter Tower is a fascinating, short documentary about decision and doubt. A part of the New York Times’s Op-Docs, the project found 67 people from an online ad, who had never been on a 10-meter (33 feet) diving tower before.