January 28, 2014
Terry Gilliam, ex-Monty Pythoner and maker of awesome movies, has a new film out – The Zero Theorem. The main storyline seems to center on the nature of human existence, and the backdrop is surreal – a very Gilliam-esque trailer, if there ever was one.
January 14, 2014
All’s Fair, by Todd Strauss-Schulson is a very silly and funny film about coping with loss, after a relationship ends. The editing and dialog are at times super fast, and done to great effect.
January 8, 2014
Rob Daviau is the game designer behind Risk Legacy, a variation on the traditional board game version of Risk that actually has players modifying elements of the game (cards, the board itself). In many ways, the game “remembers” prior games, making subsequent games built off of the history of previous ones.
January 5, 2014
“Knuckleball! is the story of a few good men, a handful of pitchers in the entire history of baseball forced to resort to the lowest rung on the credibility ladder in their sport: throwing a ball so slow and unpredictable that no one wants anything to do with it.”
December 23, 2013
Happened to be browsing around YouTube this AM, and came across a hilarious video featuring several guys, suspended on top of what looks like 3 stories of colored, cardboard boxes. The game is pretty straight-forward: each participant selects a number from a board, and behind each number is a particular “punishment” – usually something that involves the potential for their boxes to be removed/destroyed. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues.
December 12, 2013
Oh man, I have to wait until 2014 for this game? I have a wad of cash that I would literally throw at these guys if I could play this thing, right now.
December 4, 2013
I was randomly browsing around Vimeo, and happened across this video by William Williamson, featuring Sir Derek Jacobi. Wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I dug it and thought I’d share.
December 2, 2013
I’ve been away from the computer the entire weekend, and just happened to spot this tidbit today: Amazon is looking to delivery packages via autonomous drones. It looks very much like an April Fool’s joke, but the more I see… the more I think this is an actual thing.
November 26, 2013
When they were touring many years ago, Van Halen became infamous for having a specific request that no brown M&M’s were to be present backstage. Though I’ve heard the explanation before (and it’s a great one), this is the first time I’d heard David Lee Roth talk about it on camera.
November 14, 2013
At first, Furman comes off as incredibly eccentric. The types of records he pursues are sometimes silly (catching the most malt balls in your mouth, as an example). But as you learn more about how he grew up, and how he chose to live his life… the pursuit of records begins to make a little more sense.
November 12, 2013
This is another great GoPro helmet-cam video, featuring a rider tackling what looks like an insanely high (and narrow) race down sandstone ridges. A part of Red Bull Rampage, it looks like each participant gets to pick their own path down. Insanity.
November 11, 2013
I’m a big fan of Animaniacs, but though I’ve seen a lot of episodes… I just realized that I’ve by no means seen every one. I just came across this Pinky and the Brain clip via Boing Boing and it’s totally new to me. And it’s totally awesome.
October 29, 2013
A few days ago, I shared a video entitled Thru Tokyo, featuring a collection of sounds from various Tokyo-based musicians. One image in particular caught my attention – that of a man wearing a light-blue outfit, holding what seemed to be a musical note with a smiley face on the end of it.
October 25, 2013
This video was passed around at work, and I have to say – it’s absolutely mesmerizing. I don’t think I’m quite smart enough to grok all the different logic behind each algorithm, but this is something lovely to watch (and listen to).
October 11, 2013
I recognized Kumar Pallana from his role in the movie The Royal Tenenbaums, and learned he had appearances in other Wes Anderson films. But I had no idea about the remarkable and remarkably rich life Pallana led, prior to him being in films.