November 11, 2013
I’m a big fan of Animaniacs, but though I’ve seen a lot of episodes… I just realized that I’ve by no means seen every one. I just came across this Pinky and the Brain clip via Boing Boing and it’s totally new to me. And it’s totally awesome.
October 29, 2013
A few days ago, I shared a video entitled Thru Tokyo, featuring a collection of sounds from various Tokyo-based musicians. One image in particular caught my attention – that of a man wearing a light-blue outfit, holding what seemed to be a musical note with a smiley face on the end of it.
October 25, 2013
This video was passed around at work, and I have to say – it’s absolutely mesmerizing. I don’t think I’m quite smart enough to grok all the different logic behind each algorithm, but this is something lovely to watch (and listen to).
October 11, 2013
I recognized Kumar Pallana from his role in the movie The Royal Tenenbaums, and learned he had appearances in other Wes Anderson films. But I had no idea about the remarkable and remarkably rich life Pallana led, prior to him being in films.
October 3, 2013
As a kid growing up in the 80’s with cable television, Time Bandits is one of those films that seemed to always be playing. I watched it so many times, there are still sections of the film that I feel I could quote verbatim, some 25+ years later.
October 2, 2013
I’m a fan of the series, thought it was always more about heartbreak than horror for me. Naturaly, one of my favorite episodes is “Time Enough at Last,” but there are so many great ones to choose from. Pretty hard to believe that this show aired over 50 years ago.
October 1, 2013
On watching this, I was reminded of all the other great helmet-cam videos I’ve seen. In particular, I kept thinking about the crazy urban downhill race Vaparaiso Cerro Abajo – which is a total must-watch if you haven’t seen it.
September 30, 2013
This was surprisingly mesmerizing (and tense). Reminded me very much of Super Off Road, and also of a bunch of bunny rabbits leaping – weirdly enough.
September 24, 2013
Created by Bot & Dolly (a design/engineering studio specializing in automation, robotics, and filmmaking), Box is an incredibly mesmerizing mixture of technology and robots. Using projection mapping, two flat surfaces are given the illusion of great depth.
September 22, 2013
Lovely time-lapse of dancers in Studio 7 of the Boston Ballet.
September 18, 2013
“They have fancy models of attention, Posner’s trinity model of attention… For me, I like to think of it very simple, like a surveillance system. It’s kind of like you have all these fancy sensors, and inside your brain is a little security guard. For me, I like to call him Frank.”
September 15, 2013
Disarm is an exhibit by sculptor Pedro Reyes, transforming decommissioned weapons into musical instruments. Extending a prior project where he converted over 1,000 guns into shovels, Reyes brings new life to these devices that were (once upon a time) designed to take lives.
September 5, 2013
I spotted this commercial for Jii lighters very early in the morning, and in my hazy, tired state… watched the entire thing. Having had no coffee yet, this video has snuck into my brain and messed with several switches: confusion, delight, more confusion.
September 4, 2013
Adam B. Vary has written a fantastic article on how the movie came to be, entitled “Something Terrible Has Happened Here”: The Crazy Story Of How “Clue” Went From Forgotten Flop To Cult Triumph. He tracks down the movie’s director, Jonathan Lynn, and gets a lot of the wonderful details and behind-the-scenes stories.
September 1, 2013
A week or so ago, the guys at RIPT had a t-shirt based on the movie Legend. They linked to a behind-the-scenes commentary video focusing on Tim Curry’s character, Darkness, and the crazy makeup/props involved.