February 18, 2024
Here’s a new term I came across: FMV (Full-Motion Video). It’s a kind of video game comprised entirely of pre-recorded videos.
If it sounds a bit dated, well… that’s where you’re right. But note that we’re talking about Star Trek here. And we’re talking about a chance to play this game, for free, online.
February 2, 2024
So this is an odd thing to say, but I found the sex scenes in the first episode incredibly revealing. I’m not talking about the physical act that was shown, I’m talking about the way that these scenes spoke about Foster and Reis’ characters.
It’s hard to describe if you haven’t seen it. I’m not talking about the tawdry or lascivious nature of these scenes. To me, they genuinely added an incredible amount of depth to both characters, giving a lot of interesting insight into how both women carried themselves in the world.
December 10, 2023
It’s definitely weird to think of myself as a morning person. The Felix from 21 years ago would argue against this kind of behavior, if he wasn’t so busy taking naps.
December 7, 2023
Interestingly, as much as I was into poetry, I never got that much into Bukowski’s poems – I gravitated more to his fiction. And also read a lot of John Fante, as a result.
November 24, 2023
A bit later on in the evening. I realized I hadn’t gotten any photos of Sandy, who continues to be the best dog ever. For a good part of our stay, she was curled up in her bed in front of the fireplace. Which, let’s be honest… if I could get away with doing something like that, I’d do that all week long.
November 9, 2023
“Every second shows about a million years of the planet’s evolution.”
October 31, 2023
We got some screams, which was fantastic. And we even got several folks who outright refused to put their hands in, and said “It’s not worth it.”
October 23, 2023
Something happened to me today. I was browsing Instagram, and I saw a photo from my friend Betsy. And I looked a little closer at this photo, and I was taken aback.
If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to recreate for you the experience I had. Stay with me here.
October 8, 2023
Paige, undaunted and ready to continue on to the finish.
August 23, 2023
While both actors are great, I think it’s the editing that really shines in this video. And it’s the editing that makes it so enjoyable to watch.
August 11, 2023
All told, this was an incredible show that we watched for a solid 30 to 40 minutes. It felt incredibly special, incredibly unique. And I loved that we were all able to share in this moment, experiencing this silent awe.
I don’t know how many more times I’ll see something like this in my lifetime. I’m hoping it’s more than this one time. But I will tell you – I’m happy I got this one.
July 19, 2023
“Because THEY don’t want anyone to know that IT is glitter.”
July 16, 2023
I was filling up some watering cans, to water the plants on our front porch… and looked up to see these guys, in the distance. One of them eventually came over and started down the driveway towards me. I was actually shocked to see just how close he came to me. And got a bit of it on video.
July 12, 2023
Liz and I had a second day today, with the Ford kids. Our plan was another “Day in Chicago,” but this time a bit more reserved. A bit lower key.
We blew most of our energy last week on a pretty event-filled day. So today had fewer events, fewer things to do. But we still ended up filling the day, and then some.
June 13, 2023
During one of the action scenes in the middle of the film, the main characters are put into an arena, alongside other groups of adventurers. I saw this flash. And I thought to myself “Wait, was that…”