Posts Tagged "video"

That’s a Typo

Earlier this morning, while Liz and I were out at breakfast together… we came up with the idea of running our own B&B. It was a whimsical idea, and led us down a silly path where we both would spend our days running/managing our own bed and breakfast.


Measuring Pi Using Pies

Every year, there seems to be one new video that ends up catching the public’s attention and defining “Pi Day.” This time around, my vote goes to YouTube user Numberphile, who’s created a fun video where he attempts to measure out pi using actual pies. Many of us probably thought about doing this, but he actually went out and did it. And probably got really full as a result:


Balloon Bowls, by Maarten De Ceulaer

De Ceulaer was interested in using plaster as “an end material,” and not just something used for making moulds. He tested out this approach by filling a balloon with plaster, and ended up with a fairly useless object that had perfectly smooth sides.


The Overview Effect: Astronauts Discuss the Profound Experience of Seeing Earth From Space

“The Overview Effect, first described by author Frank White in 1987, is an experience that transforms astronauts’ perspective of the planet and mankind’s place upon it. Common features of the experience are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for taking care of the environment.”


Finding Vivian Maier – Trailer

Living across the street from an auction house, John Maloof ended up purchasing a box full of negatives for $380. From there, he discovered the work of Vivian Maier and began trying to unravel who she was – her history, and her passion for photography.


Crossroads and Contracts

This is a flashback scene from the 1986 movie Crossroads, starring Ralph Macchio. I remember seeing this movie a few times as a kid, mostly when it was on repeat on HBO. But I recall precious little of the film – beyond the fact that Steve Vai played the “bad” guitar player. It may have been another few years before I learned who Vai was (and before I decided to recreate his guitar in shop class).


Apollo Robbins, Live Performance

Spotted this better quality video of Apollo Robbins in action, this time working his skills over on some of the Today Show crew. Even though you kind of know what he’s going to be doing, it’s still amazing to see how quickly he moves (and distracts everyone, viewers included, from what he’s actually doing).


Playing Around with Vine: Documenting Your Life, Six Seconds at a Time

Recently acquired by Twitter, Vine lets you use your phone to record up to 6 seconds of video. But the interesting thing is that it doesn’t need to be a continuous six seconds. In fact, a great deal of the enjoyment comes from stitching together numerous shorter moments to tell a larger story. Think of Vine as the animated GIF’s older brother.