Posts Tagged "video"

Caribbean Cruise, Day 5: Aruba

Just outside the Aruba Ostrich Farm. We learned that the males have dark feathers, and the females have gray ones. Part of the tour involved an opportunity to walk up and feed the ostriches (using a bowl). We were warned that the ostriches liked shiny objects, and advised to remove jewelery and such.


Apollo Robbins, Pickpocket Extraordinaire, Wants Your Attention

One of the first things that Robbins ever explained to me was his observation that the eye will follow an object moving in an arc without looking back to its point of origin, but that when an object is moving in a straight line the eye tends to return to the point of origin, the viewer’s attention snapping back as if it were a rubber band.


Fireworks in Reverse

YouTube user jcltay has a nice video clip, showcasing the NYE fireworks display at Docklands, Melbourne in reverse. It’s got a slow, mesmerizing quality to it, that’s surprisingly satisfying to watch. A bit like watching the sky clean up after itself.


The Difference Between Holland and the Netherlands

I found this video by C. G. P. Grey on the difference between Holland and the Netherlands pretty darn fantastic. It’s a very non-stop, face-paced kind of video (and reminded me a bit of Jay Smooth in its pace and humor), but does a great job of untangling the common mistakes people make about the Netherlands (the country) and its Provinces (North Holland and South Holland, in particular).


3 Years, 3 Minutes

Looking at this again, after nearly 6 years… it’s a shame the quality is so terrible. I doubt this video means all that much to anyone else, but it’s a lot of fun for me to watch it in one go… seeing all the various events and things I experienced. Surprising to me how many things are actually documented somewhere, on the blog.


Isaac Newton vs. Rube Goldberg

What must it be like, I wonder, to make these types of machines for a living? Seems like it would be tedious and exhilarating, in equal measure. Although, now that I write that out – maybe make it 97% tedious, and 3% exhilarating.

After watching the video the first time, I thought I had the whole thing figured out. But now I’m not so sure. There are some shenanigans that are happening around the 0:17 mark.


Skyfall Advance Screening, via Klout and Cadillac

Overall, the “marketing” at the event wasn’t oppressive. There were a few banners posted up around the movie theaters, and a few small signs, and the bags… but beyond that, it was fairly low key. A woman greeted the audience at the start of the movie, and though I expected her to go into some shpiel about the car… she didn’t. We watched a brief 2-3 minute commercial, and the movie began pretty much immediately.


The Mystery of the Self-Balancing Unicycle

Last week, I spotted a guy zipping down the sidewalk on what looked to be a unicycle. But the thing about it was that he wasn’t pedalling or moving his feet. It looked as though he was simply in a seated position, balanced above a black disc… gliding. It was weird.