Guns: Video Made Using the Sounds of Firearms

Happened across a neat video, made from the sounds of guns from various movies. The video was created by Eclectic Method (who has a lot of fun videos posted up).
Happened across a neat video, made from the sounds of guns from various movies. The video was created by Eclectic Method (who has a lot of fun videos posted up).
Unnamed Soundsculpture is a video created by Cedric Kiefer and Daniel Franke (and apparently 3 Microsoft Xbox Kinects). The end result is pretty neat:
For as indifferent as I am towards the tilt-shift technique, this video is absolutely gorgeous to watch. VERY much recommend you do this full-screen to get the full effect.
I’ve rewatched this video several times over, and it’s captivating each and every time. I love Holi, and it’s as much about the colors as it is about how happy everyone looks. Watching this video, I imagine all the celebrations that must have come before, in years past.
Happened across this video, after seeing that the Doughnut Vault was best doughnut in Chicago, by Food & Wine.
The nominees for the 2012 Vimeo Awards are currently up, and accepting votes. There are several categories, so there’s a lot to look through and a lot of videos to get lost in.
Danish TV show Dumt og Farligt (which translates to “Stupid and Dangerous”) recently posted up a video featuring a series of things being destroyed in slow motion. And yes, it’s as awesome as you’re imagining.
I went into this video not exactly sure what it was, but after a few seconds… found myself smiling, ear to ear. Looks like a Con of some kind, based in Poland. Everyone just looks like they’re having so much damn fun.
And when I get that feeling in my stomach… you know the feeling when all of a sudden you get a ball of energy and it shoots down into your legs, and up into your arms, and it tells you to get up and stand up and go to the refrigerator and get a cheese sandwich? That’s my Cheese Monster talking. And my Cheese Monster will never be satisfied by cheddar… only the cheese of accomplishment.
Found this video courtesy of Alt Gestalt. Beyond watching the effects (which are pretty darn cool), I find it incredibly interesting how much the soundtrack influences how I approach this video.
I’m excited, ecstatic and overly happy to announce the launch of A Poem From Us – a site featuring regular folks sharing their favorite poem with one another. It’s an attempt to mix poetry with YouTube and QR codes, creating what I hope will be an ever-growing archive of people, reading their favorite poems.
With all the unusually warm weather we’ve had lately in Chicago, it apparently caused a crazy amount of fog. Check out this incredibly cool time-lapse video, captured from the top of the Hancock by Craig Shimala.
Cause we’re adding a little something to this month’s Sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody wanna see second prize?
Dug North makes some seriously freaking amazing automata. The ones featured in this video are playful, beautiful, and incredibly complex.
The next time I get nervous about doing something, I’m going to have this young girl’s voice in my head. This, THIS kind of stuff is why I freaking love the Internet.