June 2, 2023
I love this kind of stuff, and it very much reminds me of the Internet of yore, circa the 2000’s. So very fun, and so much work going into something so silly. The video gets more fun the longer it goes on, and it’s a treat to watch all these variations.
May 22, 2023
One thing we haven’t done much of is visit nearby Jackson Park, located just south of the Museum of Science and Industry. For Liz, she’s been wanting to visit the Japanese garden in the park for a long while now. And after work, we decided that today would be the day.
May 14, 2023
Hanging out with the bunnies tonight, I caught Hugo getting a little aggressive with the tunnel. I’m not sure if he was just bored (probably), but he really went at this thing… more than I’ve seen him in a while.
May 12, 2023
Interesting tidbit 1: I think a while ago, Liz got to meet Joe for the first time at this very restaurant. And it’s also where she got to taste different scotch whiskies that were outside of the peaty/smoky realm. And I daresay that’s when she got the spark to start exploring scotch whisky a lot more, and started going down her sherry bomb phase.
May 11, 2023
I’ve been getting late 80’s/90’s content in my Facebook feed lately, and was reminded of the movie Aliens (the sequel). I was also reminded of one of the great characters in that cast – Private Vasquez, played by Jenette Goldstein.
April 30, 2023
When I was researching various trails in Shenandoah, the one that came up most frequently was Old Rag.
It’s definitely got a reputation as being an incredible trail (Outside magazine lists it as one of the best 25 hikes in the world.) Not just in the US, in the world.
April 17, 2023
Had a fun night at 20×2 Chicago, with a new venue: Gman Tavern. The question was: “What Did You See?”
For those not familiar with the format, 20 presenters are invited to participate. Folks can answer the prompt however they like: show some slides, sing a song, do an interpretive dance. The only hard rule is that they must answer the question, in two minutes or less. It makes for a very interesting evening.
March 24, 2023
aoyamasquare is a lovely YouTube channel, featuring a lot of short-length videos of artists, creating in their respective mediums. Lose a little time here, with a video. And then do it all over again. And again.
March 13, 2023
The flop at the end of the video is icing on the cake. We’ve rarely seen Daisy over on her side like this, so it’s a testament to how comfortable she must have gotten. I will say – it makes me a little nervous, seeing how much she’s been sleeping lately.
March 12, 2023
Lately, I’ve been looking up trim videos online. And one of the topics was trying to better understand how our old trim was used in the house (our home is from 1885). I came across this really informative video from Brent Hull, and found it incredibly fascinating. Before I knew it, I had watched the whole thing.
March 6, 2023
On arriving, we were greeted with a complimentary “welcome” dram. Which was a new thing. We’re here to taste the new bottles being released in March, but this one was just to start the night off I guess.
February 27, 2023
“All I wanted to do was fix my email. I did not expect to have a minor existential crisis about how much the world is about to change.”
February 23, 2023
“Look at that. I’m just watching, but it feels like my heart’s going to burst.”
February 22, 2023
We have this plastic tunnel thing that we bring out, from time to time. It’s older, and not something Hugo has really seen before.
Tonight, Liz threw few pellets inside to encourage Hugo to explore. Because Hugo, for all his size and weight, is still something of a scaredy cat.
February 17, 2023
On the cork – a bit of Klingon! At least, I think it’s Klingon? See, this is what I mean about me not being sure how strong of a Star Trek fan I am.
I will say this though: when we all gathered glasses to make a toast, I knew enough to yell out Qapla’.