February 17, 2011
I recently watched a video game trailer that absolutely floored me. It’s for a game called Dead Island and it involves zombies. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Fair warning before you watch the videos below – it’s a bit gory, with axes and blood splattering. If you can imagine it in a zombie horror movie, it’s there….
February 14, 2011
When an engineer at Anybots got hungry, he did what any other person would do: he sent his robotic avatar a mile down the street to pick up a scone. While this is obviously a PR stunt, it’s a delightful one to me. Here’s some video of the whole event (picks up at the 2:00 mark): Also? I cannot wait…
February 12, 2011
This is a great time-lapse video of several pieces by artist Holton Rower. Even better, the video is synced up perfectly to the audio (a Kronos Quartet song). I can’t explain it, but I feel incredibly relaxed after seeing this. I get this feeling that there’s a lot of beautiful things happening all around us, if we would only slow…
February 3, 2011
This is a very serene (and very shot) documentary about motorcycle maker Shinya Kimura. Lots of nice camera angles and edits/cuts. It’s amazing that something this short can give such insight into a person’s life and passion. [via BoingBoing]
January 29, 2011
For those of you who might not know it, Axe Cop is a brilliant bit of collaboration. It’s a story entirely written by five-year-old Malachai Nicolle, and then illustrated by his 29 year old comic artist brother, Ethan Nicolle. And it’s exactly as awesome as you’re imagining. If you haven’t read it before, I’d suggest going over the first few…
January 27, 2011
No questions. Just click and start watching. Once the car chase begins, it just keeps going and going. Every 30 seconds, you think to yourself: This can’t possibly get any better. And then it does. // Edit: Wilhelm Scream at 4:18.
January 18, 2011
3 Minutes by Ross Ching is a slick looking video that’s (you guessed it) only 3 minutes long. I know the swordplay effects aren’t anything new (people have been dabbling with these effects for a long time now). But I liked how crisp and convincing this looked, and enjoyed the storyline as well. [via Ektopia] Related:Damn, That’s the Best Light…
January 13, 2011
This may be because I’m sleep-deprived, but I kept laughing at this all morning. Thanks to Cbab for the link.
January 12, 2011
I had never heard of Larry Griswold before, but thanks to BoingBoing, I just saw this amazing video. Griswold is an incredible physical comedian, and you can tell how convincing his antics are due to how often the crowd gasps or screams. Part of the pleasure you get watching him move about is how quickly things shift from danger to…
January 10, 2011
This is a pretty crazy history of product placement in movies. There were some new ones I never knew about. It’s odd to think how normal product placement seems now, as though it’s some inevitable thing that couldn’t be avoided. Always glad to see both The Wizard and Mac and Me mentioned. TJ and Chris… I’m looking in your direction….
January 9, 2011
It’s an advertisement for Intel, but it’s cool enough that it warranted sharing. Really well done. [via MetaFilter] Related:I Love the Whole World: Discovery Channel Ad That’s Just AwesomeJaw-Droppingly Awesome Helmet-Cam CommercialCarousel: Philips Video Featuring Clowns and a Slow Reveal
December 9, 2010
I woke up this morning to find a comment left on blog: it was from MJ Kim, who was the mother in one of the Flickr photos I used in my 20×2 presentation. What a random and lovely surprise! Turns out, she knows some of the 20×2 folks to boot. How random is that? In case you missed the Chicago…
December 9, 2010
The more of this video I watched, the more jaw started to drop. Incredible! [Link courtesy of Juliet]
December 8, 2010
The first few seconds had me mocking the woman, but by the end of the video… consider me impressed. And, for old times’ sake… here’s the Japanese “How to Fold a T-Shirt” video that made the rounds oh so many years ago. This is one of the first viral videos I remember, and it still impressive after all this time….
December 7, 2010
I’m not a big fan of dance, but I found this particular animation by Ryan Woodward incredibly moving. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my friend Ann, who used to be a dancer, was always fascinated with the body’s movements. I remember her explaining the concepts of dance to me, but I never really got it….