Posts Tagged "video"

Tokyo Time-Lapse: inter // states by Samuel Cockedey

inter // states is a great time-lapse video of Tokyo by Samuel Cockedey. If your computer can handle it, I highly recommend going to Vimeo’s site to view this in HD, full screen. While the main visuals are usually cars or trains speeding by in a blur of light, I found myself drawn to some of the smaller details: lights…


Month at the Museum: Favorite Videos

The Month at the Museum contest is in full swing, with the deadline taking place on Wednesday, 8/11. It seems over 1,000 people entered the contest, hoping to be the person selected to reside for a month inside Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry. In terms of what’s next, there’s just the waiting around. According to the contest rules, semifinalists…


Tom Scott and Matt Gray: Breaking the News

Sometime funny man Tom Scott and friend Matt Gray set out on a fairly unique (and funny) contest: to get in the background of as many live television broadcasts as possible on during Budget Day, 2009. Tom was on foot with an Oyster card, enabling him to travel via the Underground; Matt had a Ford Fiesta. Both were in contact…


Indian Pole Gymnastics

From Wikipedia: Mallakhamb or Malkhamb is a traditional Indian sport in which a gymnast performs feats and poses while hanging from a vertical wooden pole or rope. Mallakhamb also refers to the pole used in the sport. The word “Mallakhamb” is composed of malla which denotes a gymnast or a man of strength and khamb which means a pole. Mallakhamb…


Month at the Museum: My Video and Application

In October, the Museum of Science and Industry will begin a contest entitled Month at the Museum – where one participant gets to spend an entire month living, eating, and sleeping within the museum. You’re not allowed to leave the museum grounds, but if you can make it the full 30 days you get a laptop, a camera, and $10,000…



While browsing around on MetaFilter, I happened across a post about lanyards. If you’ve ever gone to summer camp, you likely recognize the name. I was reminded of Billy Collins’ poem, The Lanyard, and was delighted to find a clip of him reading the poem on YouTube (I actually mentioned this poem before, but at the time all that was…


Alone With Giant Soap Bubbles

YouTube user toubaboo has some incredible videos of him making some enormous soap bubbles. He also has a lot of photos, posted on his Flickr account. This is so incredibly awesome and mesmerizing, I can’t even begin to articulate it. I now have a new project for the summer. Although I’m thinking my first attempt will be something a little…


Karakuri Ningyo: Tiny, Marvelous Japanese Automata

Karakuri ningy? are mechanized puppets or automata, dating back to the 17th and 18th century. They are simple and elegant, and it’s kind of mind-boggling that such mechanical contraptions were made so long ago. Explore the World of Karakuri, and marvel a little at the examples. Lots of additional videos are available on the original MetaFilter posts. [via MetaFilter, here…


Jane Austen Fight Club

Now here’s a Jane Austen movie I’d pay to see… Jane’s husband Pete refers to the originals as “walk and talks,” which I find hysterical. [via BoingBoing] Related:Chuck Palahniuk, Harold Washington LibraryPalahniuk Bio, Story Magazine, Spring 1996


Ultra Slow Motion, Maker Faire 2010

This is a video I saw last week, featuring super slow motion captured by Intellectual Ventures at the 2010 Maker Faire. Though the action is super slowed down, the image quality of each millisecond is crisp and almost looks photographic. It’s a mesmerizing combination. And… it involves people throwing water balloons at other people’s faces. Good stuff, all around. FYI…


I Am _____.

I Am is a video by Steven Nicholas Smith, where random people in Philadelphia are asked to complete this sentence: “I am _____.” As you can expect, he interacts with a ton of people, and gets a ton of varied responses to the prompt. In a few instances, Smith explores individual stories a little deeper… and focuses on a select…


More Important Than Money: What Motivates Us

This is a captivating video of a talk by Dan Pink on what motivates our work. The pacing and myriad of examples he presents is really fascinating, and pretty eye-opening. Money, it turns out, isn’t as much of a motivator as we thought. This is a great video, and absolutely worth the ten minutes it’ll take to watch. Interesting thing:…


Magic Icelandic: Ben and Allison’s Honeymoon Video

This is an awesome video slideshow that captures Ben and Allison’s honeymoon in Iceland. This was somewhere Allison had visited before, but the first time for Ben. Shutterbugs that they are, they both took a ton of great photographs. Allison and I traveled counter-clockwise around the island on the ring road, starting in Reykjavík on March 26, 2010. We saw…