Deer by the Lake
I was standing in the living room, when Liz whispered Window! to me, and pointed outside. I was able to grab my camera in time to catch a solitary deer, slowly walking by the house.
I was standing in the living room, when Liz whispered Window! to me, and pointed outside. I was able to grab my camera in time to catch a solitary deer, slowly walking by the house.
At times, there was nothing at all. And other times, we were nearly blinded with snowfall. This alternated back and forth for the last half of the trip. At one point, I remember most of the cars on the highway going down to around 30 mph.
Realized I never ended up posting my talk from the last 20×2 Chicago, back in June. It’s the first live event I’ve attended since the pandemic, and the first time I got back on stage in… well, in a while.
We had a blast, watching kids step up and try to “win” their candy. I think the most memorable moments for us were when the kids tried to unsuccessfully play the game (we had several kids just throw the pucks at the board, head-on).
The whole thing was held together with alligator clips, and wires plugged in directly into the breadboard. It ain’t pretty, but… we got it to work.
I have to confess – the first time I pressed the switch and saw this working, I started giggling uncontrollably. This is all fairly rudimentary electronics wiring, but I continue to feel lucky every time things just work – and also lucky that my components aren’t exploding in a small burst of flame and smoke.
It’s odd to say, but I found these videos… relaxing? It’s not so much watching someone work as it is watching someone who is skilled at work.
I was sitting with Daisy one evening, and she decided to just hang out in her hop-n-flop… and promptly fell asleep. But not only was she sleeping, she started snoring.
I was able to get my camera out, and quietly filmed her up close for a little while.
I happened across this video on YouTube randomly, and got sucked in. It follows the day to day operations of Goldee’s Barbecue, shortly after they won #1 for the best barbecue restaurant in Texas (via Texas Monthly).
A few days ago, I was able to record this visitor to our yard. Surprisingly, we’ve had a lot of hummingbirds stop by this year, despite us not having an actual hummingbird feeder.
The Ford kids are visiting the area, and Liz and I got to take them out for a day in Chicago. We had a lot on the agenda, and really went from place to place to try to do all the things.
A fun bit of context is Vicki Lawrence’s reflections on that skit, and how Carol Burnett had urged everyone to stay in character (and ended up being one of the first to fold).
If you thought our concrete work was over, think again! With our concrete blocks in place, the next step we had was to fill the cores of all the blocks with concrete. Our aim was to make a “soupy” layer, to pour down each core… and to finish the tops with a more solid layer.
I came across the documentary Keeper of Time several months ago, and was completely taken by the trailer. I was so intrigued by this documentary that I actually put in a calendar reminder for myself to buy tickets to see this thing online.
As I was checking my phone, Liz kept busy picking up here and there. Her comment was “I guess I’m going to die organizing.”