March 2, 2023
It started as a bit of an inside joke. And I think I’ve mostly worked out the mechanics of how things should work. While I’ve still got some design and layout work to do, it’s pretty close – shy of just buying the domain name, and uploading things.
February 5, 2023
Spent the day today mostly pecking at a keyboard, with little to show for it. I’ve done a lot of local WordPress development over the years, but it’s been a minute. I was able to get MAMP up and running pretty quickly, but from there… I had a lot of struggles.
December 22, 2015
Doing a bit more digging, I found that in my WordPress theme… there was logic that set the quality of the thumbnails being generated. And they were set at 100. No wonder so many of my thumbnails ended up being bigger than the original!
December 6, 2012
At the start of the day today, I decided to shift gears a bit. Lately, I’ve been trying to brush up on JavaScript and CSS… but took a break today to work on a side project that’s been backburnered, due to the job situation.
So – my way of relaxing? Working on a WordPress site.
September 4, 2011
So… I’ve been working on setting up my blog in WordPress for a while now. I actually got a working recreation of my blog done about a year ago, but held off actually migrating things due to a ton of technical issues/concerns. Since I scoured the web looking for resources on how to make the transition… it seems only right to recount my own experiences, in case someone else comes a-looking.
April 21, 2010
I spent a lot of time last night digging through WordPress, and learning a bit about customizing a theme. I’ve worked with WP only a little bit before this, but primarily tweaked existing themes slightly. This time around though, I’m starting with more of a blank slate and then building up from there. Lots more to learn and to tinker…