Logan Square Farmers Market

Liz and I have made it a habit to swing by the Logan Square Farmers Market on Sunday mornings. On the last trip, we picked up some fresh flowers, fresh eggs, and got a nice, early breakfast in at Lula’s to start off our Sunday.

We may have to try these blueberries the next time we make Blueberry Crumble.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. the peaches and sweet corn look particularly delicious. i was hoping to go by the market too but didn’t realize that it started at 10am – seems like a late start for a farmer’s market! oh well, here’s to this coming sunday!

    ben Reply

  2. I had no idea you were so interested in fruits and vegetables!

    avoision Reply

  3. You’re like those people! Those people who live in Chicago and do stuff like go to the farmer’s market and out for breakfast! You’re those people who know how to BE Chicagoans! I was never able to master it. But you are! You have! You do!

    juliet Reply

  4. these actually made me drool……

    justagirl Reply

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