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Ten Best Days of 2024

Repairing the Back Deck, Day 3

A huge multi-day (and multi-generational) effort, working on repairing the back deck in Georgia. The first day was mostly taken up with just getting all the supplies we needed. Huge shoutout to Kirt, for driving all the way from Detroit to spend a long weekend, helping to make this all happen.

The whole process was great, but the best day was the last day – finishing up the work, and having a beer on a newly repaired deck floor.

Running at Stone Mountain Park, Belated Birthday Date Night

Liz’s birthday was the weekend we did all the back deck work. And while we had a cake to celebrate, the two of planned a more formal date night out to celebrate.

We started the day with a long run at Stone Mountain Park, then spent a long evening at Ponce City Market for drinks and a bit of shopping, before a celebratory dinner (with affogato for dessert, of course).

Dinner with the Ford Kids

While in Georgia with Paige, Audrey, and Sebastian… everyone had absolutely hectic schedules. When school was in session, there were a multitude of things/activities: choir, band, studying, part-time jobs. Everyone was always coming and going, vectors in all directions.

This night, I recall fondly. Liz and I made a pasta dinner, and the kids were all home. And we just… hung out.

There are huge and epic days. And then there are days liek this – modest, and unassuming. And still incredibly meaningful.

Asheville, Day 3: Fae Nectar, Lake Lure Flowering Bridge, Oak and Grist Distillery, Cultivated Cocktails

After our temporary relocation to Georiga ended, Liz and I drove back to Chicago… but stayed a few days in Asheville, to rest and recuperate. This was our third and final day, and a full one at that.

Marine Corps Marathon 2024, Day 2: Milk Bar, Jack Rose Dining Saloon

There’s so much to say and share about our trip to Washington DC for the Marine Corps Marathon. Liz had been training for this since late 2023 (and even braved the January weather for her training).

A huge event for Liz, made doubly huge because Tricia and Paige also trekked to DC to run in the same marathon. And made even huger when Kirt caught everyone by surprise, and showed up to cheer everyone on.

The race day was a huge day, and a huge milestone for Liz. But of the many wonderful days to choose from that visit, I picked this one – where Liz and I just explored the area, and had some lovely drinks and food in the process.

Halloween in Hyde Park, 2024

Halloween continues to be one of my favorite holidays. It’s always a blast to have kids stop by for candy, and I love that we’ve got a good rotation of interactive games/displays that dispense candy.

Sadly, we didn’t get to creating anything new this year (shoutout to 2023’s Candy Grabber). But the Operation game is tried and true. Whenever you hook up a pair of salad tongs to a battery, and sprinkle in some velcro? Always a good time.

Grace in Chicago, Day One: Dim Sum in Chinatown, Renegade Craft Fair, Quimby’s Bookstore, Drinks at Etta, Dinner at Piece, the Infinite Wrench

Grace hopped on a train from Detroit to Chicago, and spent a quick weekend with us exploring the city. We got to show her some of our favorite spots, and did quite a lot over just two days.

We really packed a lot in, on her first day though. Chinatown, Renegade, shopping and drinks in Bucktown, and a Neo-Futurists show at the end of the evening – a whirlwind tour.

Thanksgiving in Whitehall, 2024

After working remotely at the lakehouse in Whitehall, we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with Tricia and the Holder family. This was a lazy day, that gradually got more and more hectic as we approached dinnertime (and ended the night with some family games).

My fondest memory of this day: the absolute chaos in the kitchen, with many people trying to do many different things all at once. It was a joy just to sit back and watch it all unfold.

Double Run

While we were in Georgia, I didn’t keep the blog updated as much as I’m used to. In fact, there are actually some gaps in the days, where I don’t have any entries.

A lot of my running milestones got lost along the way. At the start of our time in Georgia, I was struggling still with a “run for 2 minutes, walk for 30 seconds” pace. And the idea of running 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes, without stopping wasn’t something I could even fathom.

I gradually got better. And learned the secret of running slower to build up endurance and distance – a real game changer for me. And eventually I got 5K under my belt. And then 8K. And then 9K. And then 10K.

I’m used to running being a solo event. And in the past, running with Liz triggered some kind of competitive thing in me, and I was concerned about that feeling returning. But I’ve come to realize that I actually really like running with Liz, and found out how enjoyable it is to have company on a run.

We decided to do a 5 mile run together, after work. And it wasn’t too rough, and quite enjoyable. A favorite day for a variety of reasons – I’m still awed at the ease of just “deciding to run 5 miles,” something that I would have had a hard time imagining, at the start of the year. And also just enjoying our neighborhood. And the exceptional company, as well.

Christmas in Indy, Day 2: Morning Run, Carmel Christkindlmarkt, Binging Ted Lasso

Christmas in Indy has been a little rough, over the last few years. In 2023, Liz got Covid several days before… and I got Covid on the 24th. So we decided to stay home and not visit that year.

And in 2021, Jasmine got Covid while we were visiting, resulting in us cutting our Christmas visit short.

When making the rounds to visit family, our visits to Indy tend to be brief. So this year, we opted to stay a bit longer… and to spend time doing a few activities, and also spend time just hanging out.

We had several really fun days in Indy (had a nice dinner out with just Stacey/Shane, did an escape room as a family, played a few games together).

But this was a particular fun day. Liz and I got in a run in the morning. Then we all trekked otu to the Christkindlmarkt in Carmel. Got some good food while waiting in some not good lines. Ordered some Indian takeout, played some games. And then ended the night staying up way too late, binging Ted Lasso.