Neverwinter: Behold My Nerdishness!

Internet-based multiplayer first-person shooter games are one thing. But Dungeons & Dragons RPG’s are a whole different category. And I need to confess to you my weakness for them.

At the heart, these games are just patterns – hack and slash strategies, peppered with obsessive saving and restarting. Every other hour, a little pellet is given when your character "levels up" and you start the whole damn thing all over again: fight, plunder, rest, repeat.

But I love it.

Neverwinter Nights has a pretty compelling interface – top down, and it lets you rotate the layout according to your whim. The graphics are solid, and from a distance everything looks frighteningly real. The special effects and attention to detail are pretty staggering – and it’s only when you decide to zoom in super, super close that you see pixels and blunt edges. For the most part, the environment (in all its vastness and complexity) is breathtaking.

Matt, I’m sorry. This is why I haven’t written jack shit the past few days. I’ve done no writing. Zilch. Nada. Ze-Ro. Just been working on getting my sorcerer (whose name is Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabadoo) to level 5.

And yes, I know that it’s as nerdy to write poems as it is to play Dungeons and Dragons. Thanks for pointing that out.

Piss off.


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