June 13, 2004
I got an official invite to Gmail today. Much thanks to epohs, who offered on twelvestone to hook folks up. While I’ve heard a lot of the hype, I’m not entirely sure why everyone is so freaking excited about free mail service. Sure, you get a gig of storage… I guess that’s exciting. Sorta. Many folks have surmised that, with…
June 12, 2004
Justin’s kitchen is always bustling with good stuff. Justin, showing that nanner who’s boss. Mmmmmm. Shrimp kabobs. Kent, relaxing after a big meal. Dave, Christine and Christine’s mom Nancy, who I first met at Kent and Christine’s wedding, about a year ago. As the night wore on, more folks ended up stopping by (I think I missed getting a picture…
June 12, 2004
Guess it’s about time to resend everything. :)
June 12, 2004
Ran a bunch of shopping errands this morning, spent a lot of today going through Mexico pictures, and watching West Wing. Around dinnertime, I whipped up some guacamole and packed up a bunch of supplies, heading over to Justin’s place. There was a get-together for Kent and Christine, as they’re leaving the Windy City and moving on to Venice, CA.
June 11, 2004
I went through all the rest of my images (and Justin’s) today. Weeded out a bunch, and dumped a lot of what I wanted into the appropriate folders. So the images are done. This just leaves the video. I’ve got a handful that I like, and there are some lengthier ones that Justin took that I’d like to use. Also,…
June 11, 2004
During lunch today, I ended up hopping over to Best Buy. My intention was to buy a present, but I ended up getting Season 1 of the West Wing on DVD. You know, for a really incredibly well-written show and (from my estimation) a well-received show to boot… they really do have a horrible fucking website. I mean, come ON…
June 11, 2004
Today was relatively slow. Woke up around 10AM, and tended to a few things via email and phone. Last night, we were all at work on a microsite for Powerhouse, the big annual hip-hop concert for Power106 in LA. This afternoon, I made a call out to LA and talked to one of the sales guys (Brian), and we sussed…
June 11, 2004
I lied about not doing any Mexico pictures. There are birds chirping outside, and the same beer that I’ve been nursing for an hour plus now seems oddly out of place, seeing as it’s damn near morning. *looks at clock* This is going to do wonders for my sleep schedule. *sips beer*
June 11, 2004
… after an 18 hour work day. 3:13 AM here, and Ben just dropped me off. I’ve had a crapload of caffeine, so I’m going to try to get a few pictures up on the blog before heading to sleep. Unfortunately, I’ve had no time to go back to the Mexico pictures. Maybe tomorrw. Er… later today.
June 10, 2004
10:56 PM here. Still in the office, cranking away. As are Justin, Chris and Ben. Guess the vacation’s over. :)—–——–
June 10, 2004
Today, I got a package in the mail at work. Odd. I never really get packages at work. I wonder what it could be. WOOHOO! Awwww yeah! Maureen, Justin’s mom, made this for me. A while back, I leant Justin my car so he could go back home for a wedding. Out of nowhere, his mom sends this fantastic gift…
June 9, 2004
I’ve been doing blog stuff ever since I got back home. Few hours now. I’m pretty tired out. Here’s a placeholder: Sorry to say, I don’t have any Mexico pics yet, but I did get through selecting and batching images from the first day. But I haven’t put anything in order yet, or written out any commentary. Right now, I’m…
June 9, 2004
Visitorville: Stats and Sims, together at last (thanks to StinkFist for the link). Not sure if I want to drop $30 just to try it out for a month, but it is awfully tempting.
June 9, 2004
Turns out they were born after all! Awesome. Sort of a blurry shot, but I was running late and I was blocking the stairs. Momma bird was nowhere to be found, but I did see the two kids. I’m happy to see they’re alive.
June 9, 2004
I was walking down North Avenue, on my way to work. I had my iPod with me, and I found myself incredibly happy to be back in Chicago. I was literally strutting (STRUTTING) down the street. I felt great, and I attribute most of how I felt to how much sun I got over the past few days. Everywhere I…