New Tech, New Habits
I’ve been wanting to do more reading lately, and so I pulled the trigger and got myself a Kindle Paperwhite (note: referral link). I’ve been eye-ing one for a while (and I really do mean a while), and the start of the year felt like a good time.
It’s funny, but even though the price has dropped significantly since 2009… I still have a hard time making purchases for anything over $20. Even though it may be something useful, or something I really want… I just seem to have a hard time spending a large amount of money.
But I’m delighted to say that I’m now a Kindle owner. And as such, I’m looking for any hot Kindle tips you might have to pass along.
I’ve imported in a lot of ebooks I already had (a big part of my desire for a Kindle was to read more tech books, and to become a better programmer). I also linked up my Instapaper account, and am getting articles sent on a regular basis.
I was surprise to see comics as an option, but that doesn’t realy seem that worthwhile on a Kindle (besides, I’m already getting my comics fix in via Marvel Unlimited).
I also know that I can “borrow” a single title per month, from Amazon, since I’m a Prime member. But is there anything else I’m not aware of?
I’ve got a stack of tech books I’m planning on delving into, but open to suggestions (tech or otherwise). I mean for the Kindle to be a kind of textbook/article device, so it will be interesting to see whether I start reading actual books (or poems?) on this thing.
Up first: Eloquent JavaScript.
// Random side note: you have the option to give your Kindle a name. I’ve named my device Gutenberg. Which breaks from my tradition of naming devices after random Simpsons characters. Previous names have included: Hoju, Thrillho, and Joey Joe Joe.
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