New Glasses: D/Vision Optical, Ukranian Village

Like many other companies, the company I work for is looking to trim down expenses and save a bit of money. I learned a month or two ago that our Vision Insurance would go away after the month of August.

Liz and I did the numbers, and found that it was to our benefit to get our eye exams and a new pair of glasses before our insurance ran out. So we stopped by D/Vision Optical one day after work for some checkups, and to pick out a new pair of specs.

Liz, getting some measurements taken.

During our time there, who should we see but Mr. Matt Brelje? It was a nice bit of serendipity that we happened to run into one another, all of us trying to get a new pair of spectacles.

My Eyeballs Are, Apparently, Quite Fantastic
D/Vision, Ukranian Village
Cleaning Day Off

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