
I ended up grabbing a copy of Fritzing, an open source app that allows you to diagram/sketch/share your electronic prototypes.
I’m torn on this step, because right now I feel like I’m procrastinating. I think it’ll be good to actually document my setup… and I think it’ll also help to share my design with others, because I’m positive I’m doing tons of things wrong. Or at a minimum, I have lots of opportunities for refinement.
What I should be doing now is transferring things to a Perma-Proto board, and to start figuring out how to enclose all this stuff into an actual, honest to goodness box.
And that is actually quite a big leap, moving from functional mess to actual, physical object. And in some ways, I feel like my detour with the Fritzing app is a form of procrastination.
Still, it does look pretty cool.
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