July 19, 2002
Elissa has been calling me the past few days, and we’ve played phone tag, trying to coordinate a time where we could both visit Rob’s gallery and see his work. Rob, along with his good friend Jake, share gallery space together. They both wrote up separate "Artist Statements", and I thought I’d enclose snippets from both: "I use simple tools…
July 19, 2002
It seems to be a bad idea for me to have a bottle of whiskey around the house. The process seems to be: Come home. Throw down 2 shots. Feel fuzzy. Throw down some more shots. Get sleepy. Eat. Sleep. I guess… what doesn’t kill me, only makes me stronger and drunker.
July 18, 2002
I was going to write a Pro vs. Con type entry regarding Love and Fate and Free Will. But I’m a little too tired, and a little too drunk to get into it right now. Tomorrow is Friday, and that means it’s a Metra day. I’ll try to compose some entries on the train, and expand on this. Been kicking…
July 18, 2002
Played a FANTASTIC multiplayer e-mail based game today, called "Darts of Poison Extreme." It’s one of the many games offered by MOHYSE.com, and quite addictive. I played a3dmofo and jverbal; lost to mofo, and won against verbal. Check out some of the screenshots: A few thoughts here. From a design standpoint, they are very slick indeed. Great vector art, incredibly…
July 18, 2002
The past week, I’ve been driving to work, hoping to catch a positive sense of the morning and put it into a poem. But I’ve been preoccupied a bit, thinking a lot about my teeth. I haven’t been to a dentist in ages. Almost 5 years, I want to say. But today, I called and set up an appointment. When…
July 17, 2002
Today, I began thinking about You. Whoever is reading this thing that I update on a day to day basis. Unnamed, stranger, quiet observer who is You. And in thinking about you, I realized that there are certain expectations that have established themselves between us. For me to write in this particular "style," I have to assume an audience. Hence,…
July 17, 2002
I’ve noticed that, what I will heretofor refer to as "splotching," occurs only when I’ve had food, or am on an otherwise full stomach. I still have no idea what this means. I’ve also noticed my tendency to come home from work, throw down a few, and then stumble and hiccup my way through dinner. Currently, it’s 7:54 PM. I…
July 17, 2002
A coworker of mine, Jan, recently got married. At a party for her, a few weeks back, the two of us shared a rather slurred converastion about love and "fate." She asked me if I believed in it, and I said "no." We then talked at length about love, and how you "know" whether someone is actually "the one." Lately,…
July 17, 2002
My friend Justin IM’ed me today, and basically gave me a nice little gift. A small freelance gig, creating a "matching" game in Flash for a radio station. The bulk of it should be ActionScript, which is very exciting to me! It’s due Monday, so I’m hoping to get a few good days at it before the weekend arrives. I’ve…
July 17, 2002
For the past two days, the city of Chicago has declared an Ozone Action Day. Before moving here, I had never heard the word. In fact, after almost two years in the city, yesterday was the first time I had heard a reference to it. People who are already especially vulnerable to ozone are even more vulnerable when exercising or…
July 17, 2002
Alright. I had dinner, drifted off, and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up sometime around 3 AM, and saw that a NOVA documentary on the trebuchet was on. This was the coolest thing ever. I stayed up and watched it for an hour. What makes it even geekier is that I’ve seen it before. My question is –…
July 16, 2002
You can’t blame someone for their feelings, or hold them responsible when those feelings change. Still, I seem to be doing a pretty good job of that.
July 16, 2002
This kind of thing happens once every few weeks. I’m not sure what it means, but I know that my hand gets extremely red. Perhaps it’s some gene. Not that many people in my family drink, so I haven’t been able to confirm this. The few times I have seen relatives imbibe, they seem to turn extremely red in the…
July 16, 2002
On Tuesdays, you need to tape NOVA. You keep saying you’re going to do it, but for Christ’s sake… it’s been what, more than 6 months of talk? How hard is it to remember to put a tape in the VCR?
July 16, 2002
Portnoy: This is strategic to the company because if the advancement of the value of its image over time is contingent upon the alignment of all activities and the desired image is ill defined at the outset, over time the ability to control it will be lost. jverbal: alrighty then Portnoy: I am currently transcribing three faxed, hand-written pages from…