Archive for June, 2006


Great shows tonight, and I had fun hanging out with friends and coworkers. Justin said it best when he leaned over to me and said “I feel human again!” After the past few weeks of work and moves, tonight felt like a fun, relaxing, evening where no deadlines existed, and no box needed to be moved. I was especially fond…


Found Magazine + PostSecret: Intuit Gallery

While at Rotofugi, we were joined by Ben’s wife, Laura, and Justin’s friend Chris. A bunch of us then headed over to Intuit Gallery to see a pretty fantastic double bill: Found Magazine and Frank Warren (who runs PostSecret)! As many of you already know, I’m a huge fan of Found Magazine, and I’ve been taken with PostSecret ever since…


Rotofugi: Customized Toy Exhibit

Exterior, Rotofugi.Bryan, hanging out in front of the store. The entire time we were there, the inside was pretty packed. And on top of that, folks spilled out onto the sidewalk and pretty much took over a small area in front of the place. Mural, interior. Sweeeet. On my way in, I snapped a few photos of the various items…


Pre-Show, Atomix Coffee Shop

Atomix is just a few doors down from the store, and just off the Damen/Chicago intersection. It’s been AGES since I’ve been down here, and it’s still got the same sort of feel that I remember, from my first visit. I don’t venture south of Augusta all that much, and I really should stretch out my perimeter a bit more….


Goodbye, Scott – Again

Scott’s been working with us, in a freelance capacity, for many weeks now. In fact, I think he’s been here on two or three separate stretches – I’ve lost track. After his first “leave,” we were all saying goodbye and Bryan decided to be a bit silly and gave him a hug. When Scott returned for another tour of duty,…


Bryan @ Rotofugi

I forgot to post this earlier, but Bryan’s going to be part of a show at Rotofugi – a designer toy store near Chicago and Damen. After work, a bunch of us are heading out to stop by and hang out some.



Nothing much to report. Spent the day working, and spent the evening cleaning up my apartment. It’s been a busy week or so with multiple people moving… and tonight’s the first night in a while that I’ve been able to sort of focus attending to my own house. Got some good cleaning done, and though the apartment isn’t totally back…



Typetester allows you to compare different fonts, and show you what they look like os sample copy. And on top of that, it’ll kick out CSS for you, when you’re done – how cool is that? Link via Jane.