Memorial Day Service, Christian Hills Church
This Sunday, we woke up early to attend a church service for Memorial Day. Liz and Bob were part of a band that was performing at Christian Hills church in Orland Hills.
Appropriately, a large flag was flying right outside the front doors.
Bob, playing drums with the band…
… and Liz, playing flute.
One of the best moments of the service, IMO, was a video tribute that showed members of the congregation that had served. The photos were set up in a past/present way, and were really quite moving. It was great to see some of the early black and white photos of them in uniform, juxtaposed against the color photos of them today.
To me, the mind just automatically fills in the long breadth of time between the photographs. A simple presentation, done really really well:
During the portion of the service where the Color Guard did a rifle volley, I snuck out to try to get some photos and video. This is outside, near the flag, a few moments before the volley took place.
Afterwards, all the riflemen gathered and picked up the spent shells.
Liz and her mom, posing after the service.
Bob and his longtime friend Dave Oberg.
Paige always seems to love the camera. Amazingly, I happened to remember another image of her, holding the American flag from two years ago.
Baking, making rock candy, devising elaborate and wonderful plans for your birthday, making scads of pies, rehabilitating the yard, fixing scooters, hand-binding books, crocheting, taking classes and exams while working, playing the flute — is there anything Liz can’t do? I believe you have found Superwoman!
juliet (May 26, 2009 at 1:08 am)