This Too Shall Pass: OK Go’s Rube Goldberg Machine

Via BoingBoing, this is a pretty impressive Rube Goldberg Machine, built by the band OK Go for their music video This Too Shall Pass.

I’m a big fan of these types of machines (and even got a great book from Justin about Rube Goldberg’s life and art, over the holidays). In an earlier apartment, I went so far as to have two pegboards set up on my wall with the express purpose of creating a small, vertical Rube Goldberg machine.

Depsite a trip out to American Science Surplus, I ended up creating… two pegboards on my wall. Lots of good intentions, and a bag full of science supplies. Swing and a miss.

Looking back, one of the first Rube Goldberg machines I posted about on this blog was the Honda “Cog” commercial.

Mind you, this was back in the days before YouTube… in the days of .mpg, .avi and horribly artifacted .swf files. I liked the commercial so much, I ended up writing to Honda and got an email reply, and also a copy of the commercial on DVD. This is how we rolled back in the day, kids.

This seemed a good chance to revisit that older commercial, as I can now actually embed the thing here. Enjoy:


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Absolutely great! I’m so 2 sided with OK GO because personally I don’t think their music is all that grand, yet at the same time, I love, LOVE how they harness the power of online media to promote their band and probably sell way more albums that they should.

    TJ Reply

  2. These guys make the best videos.

    Ben Reply

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