Nintendo DS Contest: Gallery of Photo Submissions
I end up revealing the winners of the Nintendo DS contest below. If you’d like to see the actual drawing/selection process, check over here.
I’m listing all the photos I received, in the order they were received. FYI when you submitted didn’t matter (I got a few submissions the first day, and got one submission at 11:33 PM the night the contest ended). All entries got added in to the mix.
Thanks again for playing along, everyone. I hope these photos bring about a little chuckle.
The first entry! Submitted by Andree for her son (as Link).
Mark, who I think got here via my Ask MetaFilter post.
Sally and Jim, old friends from college.
Jay, who came up with a creative way to say hi.
// For spelling out my name using building blocks (and for having such a cool ladybug car to ride on), I’m awarding Jay 2nd place.
Cousin Ellen, who in her email wrote me: “There’s something missing here. Can you guess what it is?”
Brian, for going so far as to spell out the greeting using breakfast, you’ve got my vote for the best in show. That plate looks both awesome and delicious. This was hysterical to receive, and I hope you enjoy your copy of Joystick Nation.
Send me your address, and I’ll make sure I drop it off in the mail this week!
// Since Brian declined the book (already owning his own copy), I’m awarding it to Jay!
David, Ellen’s husband, also gets in on the contest. Nice background!
Patsy (who I don’t know), sent in a quick entry.
Mark (aka mclarkson), looking professorial. The t-shirt is an inside joke that only folks from Twelvestone would get (and a gift from his daughter, if memory serves).
Stacey, who I know better online as “Flak.” Funny thing – I’ve known Stacey for like almost 9 years now, and don’t think I’ve ever seen an actual photo of her. Maybe one. Like my friend Jay (aka Mr. Grumpy), we all used to play a ridiculous amount of Unreal Tournament together.
Ben’s son Emmett. Check out those braces!
Ben’s son Josiah, also joining in.
Ben’s son Zion. Trifecta!
Allison (who I suspect is not, herself, interested in the DS).
Ben saying hi. Looking back, I’m realizing that I have several “families” who participated in the contest.
Suzy, who I know online via Twelvestone. Awesome smiley face. Hi Suzy!
Julia, who first found my blog via BoingBoing, and has stuck around since. I think she took this photo herself with a broken arm.
Congratulations, Sharon! You may not believe this, but yours was not the only “just showered” photo submission. Heh.
Send me your mailing info, and I’ll make sure to get your Nintendo and games sent out your way!
Tracy, who sent in a photo with her dog.
Lainey, who informed me that her mom (Andree) submitted her brother, but not her. Guess Lainey took matters into her own hands…
Pam (who I know online via Twelvestone, and who I know better as “Kirra”). She’s also Mark’s (mclarkson’s) daughter, and the one who bought him that t-shirt.
Anthony, who also sent in a post-shower photo. In setting up this contest, I didn’t anticipate how often my name would get inked onto the skin of people I didn’t know. Thanks, Anthony!
I got two submissions from Dara, for her two sons. I think this is Aidan.
Also from Dara. I think this is Simon.
Alex, pulling off an impressive double reflection hello.
Lila, Mike’s daughter, who is looking so huge now!
Andree, submitting another photo for herself.
And finally Joe (who’s Mark/mclarkson’s son), and who is also Kirra’s brother. The mustache and the fireworks a
re so awesome, it’s hard to know what to focus on.
Thanks again for submitting everyone!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees Sharon and her hotness totally came over from my blog.
Mellzah (March 15, 2010 at 11:26 am)That’s an awesome set of photos there. I think they all deserve DSs Felix!
Dustin (March 15, 2010 at 2:06 pm)Totally cute photos! Loved watching all of them!
imusay (March 15, 2010 at 3:41 pm)I didn’t just buy him that shirt I made it. Lovingly hand crafted damn it!
Kirra (March 16, 2010 at 12:27 am)Awesome, Best In Show! That’s enough of an honor for me… and since I already own the book… thanks anywho :) I guess I was the only super-cool free-thinking creative-type individual to submit in foodstuffs, WEIRD!
captain-slinky (March 16, 2010 at 10:47 pm)