Month at the Museum 2

After their successful Month at the Museum contest last year (where yours truly was lucky enough to be one of the Finalists), Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is looking for yet another roommate!

A few months back they began taking applications for “Month at the Museum 2,” and just today announced the Finalists. They are: Mike Wilson:, Dave Mosher, Motoko Maegawa, Dale Fiste, Katie Duff, and Kevin Byrne. Here are their videos:

I have to admit – I’ve been following this second Month at the Museum contest, but I haven’t been following it very closely. Having gone through the amazing rollercoaster of the first contest, it’s still a little… tough to watch others go after this fantastic adventure. It’s a bit like hearing about an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend getting married. You’re definitely happy for them and all, but a self-centered part of automatically thinks What happened? Why didn’t it work out between us?

Don’t get me wrong – I have nothing but love for MSI, and for the MATM contest. It’s just a little tough to know my one shot came and went, and that it’s time to step aside and let others do their thing.

A few folks have asked me whether I was going to participate in this second contest. And though I’d want nothing more than to have that chance to live inside MSI for 30 days… it just didn’t seem right to re-enter. It would have felt… gauche. There’s a word I don’t get to use very often. I used that right, didn’t I? Gauche?

I did debate the idea of re-submitting, but in the end I think it’s best I stayed out. I know all the other Finalists felt the same way, and didn’t re-apply. We had our chance, got closer than most… and it was a great experience, nonetheless.

Though there’s a twinge of sadness, I want to re-state that MSI and the whole MATM event is absolutely fantastic. The folks I got to meet and work with at MSI were ridiculously nice, and made me feel like a rock star at all times. I’ve been going over older blog posts from last year, and I’m smiling ear to ear.

I remember how nervous and excited I was, how crazy things were. It was a singular experience to be a part of the promotion, and I’m so happy to have met the other Finalists – who are awesome people, each and every one.

Krispijn, Alex, Johnathan and Kate – if any of you are reading this, I am quietly fist-bumping my screen, pretending it’s you.

Having gone through the selection process once before, I’m feeling a lot of sympathy for the Finalists. Just getting to this stage means they had to go through an earlier selection process, and also weren’t able to tell anyone they were in the running. For me, not being able to say anything was the absolute worst part. Having to sit on such fantastic news for so long was really, really stressful. I wanted to shout it out to the rooftops, but had to sign a legal document saying I’d keep my trap shut.

As of now, I know there’s huge relief for the Finalists in that they can tell friends and family what’s really going on. But now they begin the excruciating waiting game, where they really can’t do anything one way or another until they all take the stage at MSI, in Chicago.

Mike, Dave, Motoko, Dale, Katie and Kevin – good luck to you all! The countdown until the final event is going to be nerve-wracking, and I don’t envy your having to wait until that day. But I do envy that feeling that washes over you, once every few hours when you stop and remember you’re a finalist at MATM. That Oh yeah, there’s this huge, life-changing opportunity right around the corner feeling.

Enjoy the numerous interviews that are coming your way, and have fun as you get closer to October 5th. It’s going to be an amazing ride!

PS: It may have already happened, but… your faces are going to hurt from smiling, non-stop.

I’m A Finalist For Month At The Museum!
Month At The Museum: Science Experiment Reveals Winner
Month At The Museum: Post-Contest Drinks At Villains
Exploring the Museum of Science and Industry

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Thanks for the well-wishes, Felix. Regardless of what happens next week, this one has been tons of fun. I appreciate the reminder to just enjoy it.

    Take care-

    Kevin Byrne Reply

    • Hi Kevin!

      Very excited for you, and all the other Finalists. I’m getting nervous, just thinking about that big, final event. Good luck to you!

      avoision Reply

  2. Having just finished a conversation with my family about what a thrill it has been to be a finalist, I feel it is very timely to now happen across your post. Thank you for putting into words so many of the same thoughts and emotions I have had about being a part of this incredible process. And, thanks for the well wishes. It will be incredible to see where this all leads, no matter what happens on Wednesday :)

    Motoko Maegawa Reply

    • Hi Motoko!

      Good luck with tomorrow’s last day of voting, and with the days leading up to Wednesday’s big reveal. Every time I think about MSI’s “Month at the Museum” promotion, it definitely makes me smile. Just a few more days!

      avoision Reply

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