The Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice

The Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice is located in Postman’s Park, London. It features plaques commemorating the acts of ordinary people, who gave their lives trying to save others.

These stories are sad, but also inspiring. Reading over these brief summaries of people’s lives… I feel like I’ve been given an incredibly glimpse into a moment in time, over a century ago.

I’m reminded very much of the Autograph Book project I’m working on, and how easily words can leap across such a large span of time. Reading over these plaques, I can’t help but be amazed by these stories – these people who were so willing to trade their own lives for the benefit of another.

In addition to the Wikipedia entry about the monument, there’s also a very thorough write-up of each plaque, over at Caroline’s Miscellany. I was particularly moved by Samuel Rabbeth’s story, and the actions of the very young John Clinton.

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