A Last Visit to Liz’s Office

Both Liz and I were downtown today, going to work in our respective offices IRL. A very odd thing, given the fact that we’ve been remote for the better part of 2+ years now.

I was at the office because some remote coworkers were in town, and I wanted to see folks in person. Liz was at the office because her whole department was packing up to move out – a thing they were slated to do, even before the pandemic hit.

I left work and walked over to Liz’s office, and got to walk the floor with her one last time. She’s going in again for a final event, but this is likely the last time I’ll be up here.

It’s crazy to think that Liz has been in this office for about 15 years now, at desks in various locations. That’s an incredibly long time.

Liz, with what remains in her office.

The emptied-out server room (sadly the hat was gone).

So many dark corridors, so many liminal spaces.

Liz, leaving the shadows.

I’m not exactly sure what happened here.

A few offices were set up like staging areas, with lots of boxes and tape.

So many cords.

Numerous offices were just blank and bare. Empty and sad, in a way.

A small, bright office.

A small, dark office.

Dark corridor.

And a room full of old tech.

Thinking back to how I’ve visited her here, it’s weird to imagine never coming back. We were just two blocks away from one another, for a long while… and it’s very odd to imagine her no longer having any kind of physical office.

Fifteen years is a really, really long time.

Impromptu Technical Support
Liz Gets A New Office

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