Outdoor Dinner with Mark and Anna
Liz and I were invited over to Anna and Mark’s place (our neighbors across the street) for dinner. They’ve been away for a little while, but with the back in Chicago… we looked forward to a chance to catch up a bit, and to hang out once more.
They have a cat, and Liz is pretty allergic… so we opted to have the dinner out on the back patio.

Mark, prepping his grill.

We had a delicious meal, and got to sample a lot of whiskies. Post dinner, we headed inside to hang out for a bit in their living room. Having a bit of a dessert, and catching up some more.
The time passes incredibly quickly and easily with them, and we very much like hanging out. Looking forward to that future time when our house is a bit more in order, and we can reciprocate all their hospitality… and host them at our place.
Whisky Tasting with Mark and Anna
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