10K and Midway Plaisance Park

Went on a long run today, and aimed to do 10K. It’s a distance I’ve done a few times before, but I’m still hesitant each time: will I actually make it to the end? Will I get tired and end up walking the last half?

Each time I set out to do a 10K and finish it, I’m always a bit surprised. And I’m slowly getting comfortable with the notion that I can run 10K, and it’s within my means. I may walk a bit here and there, but I can still get it done.

Which is still something difficult to process.

For part of my run today, I did a loop around the Midway Plaisance, next to the University of Chicago.

I had a pretty great run today. Ended up finishing 10K in under 1:30, which was definitely a record for me. And my overall pace was 14’16”. I still feel like I have a ways to go before I’m at a more “competitive” level (10 – 11 minutes per mile seems a goal)… but this is better than I’ve done to date.

In prior attempts, I got upset with myself for not being able to run continuously – for actually needing to stop at some point, during the run. I’ve shifted my goals a bit, shifted my measures for success.

Now, I’m looking more at overall time, and my overall pace. If my pace is good, and my time is good… who cares if I stop for a short (or long) walk/rest?

Really quite happy with today’s numbers. I wasn’t checking during the run, and only looked once I finished and got home. Feels pretty encouraging.

Double Run
Running Alongside the Half Marathon

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