Canoe Trip: Buffalo National River

Despite the overcast skies, we packed into the famil minivan and drove an hour plus for a canoe trip along the Buffalo National River. We stopped off at Dillard’s for our canoe rentals.

The setup was quite nice – we parked in a nearby lot, they picked us up and drove us to the launching point, then we paddled our way back to the cars.

Everyone was super serious about trash and making sure we didn’t bring glass containers of any sort. We were also told that there were tons of fines to be had, if we were caught littering ($125) or if we tied down our life preservers to the canoe.

At the parking lot, I spotted this…

On board the bus, en route to the launching point. And in case you were wondering… yes, it was a short bus.

Liz, contemplating the canoe.

Looking up at Jake and Peter, trying to overtake them for first place.

Shortly after the video, Tus was crying to go back home to daddy.

Sadly, I only broke out my camera on a few occasions. About halfway through the trip, the rain started coming down. And down. And it just wouldn’t stop.

My camera bag was pretty thoroughly soaked through, and we had a ton of standing water inside the canoe as a result. For the whole second half of the trip, we were basically soaked through.

Lisa, looking off into the distance.

Stopping for lunch along an embankment.

It’s been a long while since I was last on a canoe, so I’m glad I got to go again. The rain thunderstorm was fun, but after a while… it got too difficult to see. My glasses were totally fogged up and wet, and I eventually just lowered my head and paddled without really pausing to look around. After a while, it felt like exercise – an endurance contest, rather than an outing.

I’d love to go again sometime. Ideally, with just a bit more sun in the sky, next time around.

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