Backyard Painting Day

With a few dry days behind us, and a few dry days ahead… along with the phenomenal weather we were expecting this weekend… Saturday was an outside work day. On the docket: touching up the fence and painting the garden boxes.

While I was working on getting the grass mowed, Liz got started touching up the top of the fence (something we neglected to do on our initial pass).

The step-ladder helped, but required several thing plywood pieces under each foot (to prevent it from sinking 4+ inches into the soil). It was fine once it was in place, but a total pain to move around.

The garden boxes, pre-paint.

After the yard was mowed, Liz switched over to the boxes while I took over work on the fence.

Late in the day, with the sun getting lower.

Close-up view.

We set up the fire pit in the driveway, and got a fire going around 7:30 PM. We chatted with Bob a bit on the phone, and got a surprise visit from our neighbor Mark (who came by to drop off some pastrami he had smoked – an incredibly delicious surprise).

A long day, ending in a very relaxing transition from late afternoon to evening. A lovely day to be outside, and a lovely bit of time sitting, sipping scotch, and looking at the work from the day.

We Have a New Fence!
Staining the Fence
Garden Box Construction, Part 1
Garden Box Construction, Part 12 (Plus a Full Day Working the Backyard)

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Nice solution by putting the plywood under the ladder.

    Matt Maldre Reply

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