Mark Jenkins: Packing Tape Sculptures

Using something as innocuous as tape, Mark Jenkins is able to incredibly lifelike figures. His public installation pieces are whimsical, funny, and even a little unsettling.

I’ve seen his work around for a while now, and recall finding about his early work on Ektopia. He’s got a pretty impressive gallery of work he’s done, and it’s amazing the kinds of things he’s able to create just using tape (and the human form).

This image is probably the one I think of, whenever his work is mentioned. In addition to adult forms, he’s also got a project involving the outline of a child called the Storker Project.

Jenkins’ work has been making the rounds lately, as he was recently featured on BoingBoing. He’s also being promoted by Scotch Packaging Tape, as they’re currently running a national tape sculpture contest. Entitled Off the Roll, they’re looking for people to submit photos of their own tape sculptures with a $5,000 prize for the winner. The contest has just started, with a deadline of March 24th. So far there’s only one entry, so if you’re game for this… your odds are looking pretty good.

If you’re looking to see how the professionals do it, here’s a brief time-lapse video of Jenkins working with a live model:

Disclosure: The video and Off the Roll info was sent to me by a PR company working for Scotch, actively trying to promote their contest. I’m not receiving any compensation for mentioning the campaign. I just found it interesting that Jenkins was working with Scotch, and that the company seems to be actively trying to move beyond their utilitarian image. And… it seems a cool contest, and worth passing along.

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