Vet Visit for the Bunnies

On Friday afternoon, I had a half day off work and took the buns in for a vet visit. A few weeks ago, Phineas and Quincy developed some gas/stasis issues… and as a result, both were put on some additional medications.

I’m happy to report that both rabbits got a clean bill of health, and have shifted off the multitude of daily meds they were taking. Quincy still has his fare share to take, but Phineas is greatly reduced. They’re both still on a probiotic, but just for another week or so.

The picture (above) was after both rabbits were examined, subjected to the bunny burrito, and then weighed. They were very unhappy with me, and have turned their backs to me as a sign of their displeasure.

I’m sure they’ll get over it in time, and that we’re still friends. At least… I’m pretty sure.

Found (Abandoned) Dog, Vet Visit at North Avenue Animal Hospital
Giving Medication to the Bunny Rabbits
Many Medications, 2013

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