Recognizing Jenette Goldstein
I’ve been getting late 80’s/90’s content in my Facebook feed lately, and was reminded of the movie Aliens (the sequel). I was also reminded of one of the great characters in that cast – Private Vasquez, played by Jenette Goldstein.
I then learned that Goldstein was also the foster mother (Janelle Voight), in the Terminator 2 movie. Who knew?
Here are two clips from her very cool career:
Some random trivia that I’ve since learned: for the Aliens audition, Goldstein thought it was a movie about immigration and illegal aliens. Perhaps this informed some of the dialogue (in the clip above). Also – since her movie career, Goldstein has a successful business focusing on large-cup bras called Jenette Bras.
Another bit of random trivia: Goldstein’s lines from Terminator 2 appear in the preloader, for my my ChatGPT-based game, Infinite Adversaries.
Infinite Adversaries: A “Choose Your Own Adventure” Style Game, Powered by ChatGPT
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