Door Stands

Liz has cleaned up a lot of the original doors in the house. She’s stripped paint off, cleaned them up, and have them prepped to be re-stained.

As a kind of storage approach, the doors are kept on their side in the basement – held up by two wooden supports. Bob created an initial set for us, a long while ago… and since then, Liz has replicated his design a few times.

Today, Liz was working on cleaning up the basement a little. And was ready to get her door relocated into our “storage” area. And that meant her building a few new door stands.

Things are currently a bit of a mess in the basement. But looking forward to making more space this year, and building some things that will make this area more of a “shop” and less of a glorified storage unit.

Second Pocket Door: Work Begins
Doors and Windows and Floors

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