Kitchen Demo Continues, Attic Cleaning Part 2

Big work day on the house, last Saturday. Liz would be switching places with me, and continuing to work on the kitchen. And me? I’d suit up again, and go upstairs for Round 2 of the Attic cleanup.

Me, about to head up the ladder for a few hours of fun.

It’s super blurry, but this is what I ended up doing – packing up all the loose insulation that was resting between the joists. I used a small dustpan to basically scoop things up, and shoved it all into plastic bags.

Each section was pretty much full of black, dirty insulation. Really glad I couldn’t smell much of this.

The biggest pain was trying to reach the loose insulation near the edge of the roofline. There were nails sticking out from the roof, and it was hard to reach far enough to loose up everything.

A view of the back attic – there’s a large area that opens to the left, just past the chimney/brick. The light didn’t really extend very far, so I kind of had to make do (next time, I’ll be using a headlight).

To avoid putting any pressure directly on the ceiling, I kept to the joists. I had a small board with me that I moved, and then sat down on – moving from section to section. A very cumbersome (and dirty) process.

While I was upstairs, Liz continued work in the kitchen. She cleaned up a lot of the loose debris, and also went and pulled out nearly every protruding nail (no small feat). I was awed when I walked into the kitchen, as the wood just looked incredibly clean and smooth.

A few random bits that Liz found, that dropped from the ceiling. Of note: leather tile that was originally in the bathroom.

An old bit of newspaper (or some kind of publication) that I found, in my earlier cleanings.

Looking at the type here, I wonder if this was some kind of Sears catalog?

A call to architects, asking for plan submissions for the rebuilding of the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale, with costs not to exceed $100,000.

Clearing Old Insulation From the Attic
Kitchen Ceiling Demo Continues: Now With More Sawdust

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